1. EN
System overview
Shown below are the most common system components. In agreement with WindowMaster
, it is possible to use other
FutureVent™ unit
FutureVent™ bus
termination unit
Generel information
FutureVent™-unit has a built in control intelligence with five analogue inputs, one analogue output and one digital output.
The units communicate mutually via FutureVent
™ bus (FV-Bus) and must therefore be connected to 230V and FutureVent™
bus connection.
In each case plan the FutureVent
™ bus cabling carefully. The cabling is planed together with WindowMaster
One installation can consist of many Fu
tureVent™ units installed in various rooms. In each room, a WindowMaster
control unit
is connected to the analogue and digital inputs on one of the F
utureVent™ units (Master).
FutureVent™ units have a unique ID-number (Neuron ID) and before delivery, WindowMaster
programs the units. The
unique ID-number is indicated on the unit. WindowMaster
prepares and supplies documentation for each project showing
where each unit is to be place and which unit is to be connected to the control unit.
It is therefore of great importance that the
FutureVent™ units are placed correct and that the control signals are
connected the right
FutureVent™ unit.
Incorrect placement or wrong connected
FutureVent™ units requires reprogramming of the installation in order for it to work.
The most common control signals are:
0-10V for operation and air volume
on/off for one-way / balanced operation
Note all FutureVent™ units must be connected to 230V and the FutureVent™ bus.
1-1 Example of floor plan