For the Installer
Secure top rear wall to side walls with 6 screws – Fig. 20.
Screw retaining bracket for blower plug onto rear wall with plug, route cable laterally in cable ducts, insert
blower motor plug and secure cable at side with cable ties – Fig. 20.
Screw on rear wall at bottom in 5 places (no diagram).
Fig. 19
Fitting flue outlet insulation; inserting boiler and safety temperature limiter sensor in immersion sleeve
and securing with sensor guard; inserting flue gas temperature sensor in flue outlet and securing with
Fit insulation for flue outlet – Fig. 19.
Route boiler, safety temperature limiter and flue gas temperature sensor towards the rear from the control
panel in the cable duct on the flue tube side. Insert boiler sensor and safety temperature limiter sensor as
far as possible into the immersion sleeve and secure them with the sensor guard to prevent them from slip-
ping out – Fig. 19.
Insert flue gas temperature sensor (metallic, braided cable) in the protective tube in the flue outlet and secure
with lateral screw to prevent it from slipping out – Fig. 19.
Fig. 20
Fitting rear wall, screwing retaining plate onto rear wall at top with blower plug, securing cable at
side with cable ties
Securing cable
with cable ties
Securing cable
with cable ties
Retaining plate for
blower plug
Boiler and
safety temper-
ature limiter
Flue gas tem-
perature sen-
braided cable)