Jack Plug 3.5 mm (MIC, SPK)
Physically the microphone (MIC) and the head phone (SPK) jacks are
identical as both require 3.5 mm phone jack for data transfer. However, both
differ concerning the pin assignment so that a faultless transmission is only
ensured with the designated connection.
Besides a microphone a headset can be used alternatively via this interface.
You can set the volume as desired by means of a menu in the BIOS Setup
(see chapter "BIOS setup" in the manual “POS Motherboard, H1- CPU”).
The BEETLE /M-II plus has a 6-pin mini-DIN jack for con nec ting a key bo ard.
Make sure that the con nec tor is plug ged firm ly into the so cket to pre vent
mal functio ning. Po wer is supp lied to the key bo ard via this so cket. If you
wish to con nect an ol der stan dard PC key bo ard with DIN con nec tor, you
must use a spe ci al adap ter ca ble, ob tai na ble from the WN branch office
re spon si ble for your area.
You can con nect a mou se in par al lel via a Y-ca ble.
D- Sub Plug (COM1)
Connect scales with their own power supply to the COM1 interface. COM1
is designed as a 9-pin D-sub plug.
Make sure that the connector is plugged securely into the socket to prevent
possible malfunctioning.
If scales which are not supplied by Wincor Nixdorf International GmbH are
connected to the BEETLE /M-II plus, you must obtain a Wincor Nixdorf
licence for the driver software.
The COM1 interface is without effect if a TFT adapter with touchscreen
function is installed (adjustment necessary in the BIOS setup).