- "Operation in error"
- "Device not found"
- "Command reject" may occur, if the firmware update file is not for this type
of device.
- "Operation in error" may occur in case of a hardware failure, e.g. no
successful flashing, therfeore, a retry is performed in this case.
- "Device not found" may have the reason that the BA63 is not connected to
the system. In this case check the cable. Another reason may be that
something went wrong during flashing and from the system point of view the
device no longer looks like a BA63. In such a case you may try the selection
"Nonspecific (virgin device)" rather than BA63 for another update. Note, that
the BA63 normally offers two interfaces to the system:
- 'line display' interface --> corresponds to BA63
- 'firmware update' interface --> corresponds to Nonspecific (virgin device)
When a firmware update is started, the BA63 clears the firmware and
reenumerates to just having a 'firmware update' interface. Then the firmware
update is performed and when finished, the BA63 again performs a reset
and reenumerates to having a 'line display' and 'firmware update' interface,
if the update was OK. If something went wrong, still only the 'firmware
update' interface is presented. Therefore, the selection "Nonspecific (virgin
device)" serves as a fallback, if anything got wrong during an update
performed before. The
About button
may be used to get the software
Please finish the update utility by pressing the
Exit button