b. Remove the nut (Ref “D”) and the retainer.
(Ref “E”)
c. Remove the air filter. (Ref “F”)
d. Remove the pre-cleaner (Ref “G”) from the air
e. To loosen debris, gently tap the air filter on a
hard surface. If the air filter is excessively dirty,
replace with a new filter.
: Do not use pressurized air or solvents to
clean the filter. Pressurized air can damage the filter
and solvents will dissolve the filter.
f. Wash the pre-cleaner in liquid detergent and
water. Then allow it to thoroughly air dry.
oil the pre-cleaner.
g. Install foam pre-cleaner to the air filter.
h. Install the air filter and secure with retainer and
I Install and secure the cover.
Spark Plug
: Replace annually or every 100 hours
of operation. Always replace with the same spark
plug that came in the engine and check gap before
installing. Spark plug gap is 0.030”. Poor spark will
also occur if spark plug wire does not fit firmly on
spark plug. If this happens, reform the terminal to fit
firmly on spark plug tip.
Carbon Canister:
Designed to collect, store, and
dispose of fuel vapors created in the fuel tank / fuel
system. The canister should last the life of the unit as
long as it stays dry.
Proper care and maintenance of the generator is
necessary to ensure a long trouble free life.
Exercising The Generator
- The generator
should be operated every three to four weeks. It
should be operated for a period of time sufficient to
warm the unit up and to dry out any moisture that has
accumulated in the windings. If left, this moisture can
cause corrosion in the winding. Frequent operation
of the engine generator set will also insure that the
set is operating properly should it be needed in an
Generator Maintenance
- Any major genera-
tor service, including the installation or replacement
of parts, should be performed only by a qualified
electrical service technician.
a. Bearing - The bearing used in these generators
is a heavy duty double sealed ball bearing.
They require no maintenance or lubrication.
b. Receptacles - Quality receptacles have been
utilized. If a receptacle should become cracked
or otherwise damaged, replace it. Using dam-
aged or cracked receptacles can be both dan-
gerous to the operator and destructive to the
Remove dirt and debris with a cloth or brush. DO
NOT use high pressure spray to clean either the
engine or the generator. This high pressure spray
could contaminate the fuel system and the generator
1. Keep the air inlet screen on both the engine and
generator free of any dirt or debris to insure proper
cooling. At least yearly, remove the blower housing
on the engine and clean the chaff and dirt out of the
engine cooling fins and flywheel. Clean more often
if necessary. Failure to keep these areas clean may
cause overheating and permanent damage to the
2. Periodically clean muffler area to remove all
grass, dirt and combustible debris to prevent a fire.
3. On engine mufflers equipped with spark arresters,
the spark arrester must be removed every 50 hours
for cleaning and inspection. Replace if damaged.