General Maintenance
Adjusting the Gas Spring
Tension or "stiffness" of the gas spring is set by factory and cannot
be changed. The following instruction is for adjusting the gas spring
"release and engagement points" for trendelenburg or "deep recline"
positions only.
1. Lock casters (page 12). Remove cable from operator and loosen 11/16"
hex nut on top of operator
(Fig. 1).
2. Have a second person hold the back of chair steady and remove the
bow-tie cotter pin and clevis pin
(Fig. 2).
The operator can now be
rotated on threaded end of gas spring.
3. If back of chair does not go into trendelenburg by squeezing handle,
rotate operator as shown
one (1)
full revolution
(Fig. 3A).
If back of
chair goes into trendelenburg
squeezing handle, rotate
operator as shown
one (1)
full revolution
(Fig. 3B).
4. Once you make an adjustment, replace clevis pin and bow-tie cotter
pin. Squeeze release handle and recline the back, to check for proper
adjustment. Repeat above steps as needed until correct release
action is achieved.
(loosened in step 1) once
operator is adjusted and functioning properly.
use chair if Trendelenburg mechanism is not operating
properly. Remove chair from service until repaired.
Adjusting the Recliner Mechanisms
1. Place chair on its side in the #2 (Recline) position. Each chair has a left
and right recline mechanism with two tension adjustments on each
side, four total. Tension adjustment
controls the footrest and legrest
action. Tension adjustment
controls the recline action from the #2 to
#3 position
(Fig. 4).
2. Locate the
two (2)
hex nuts
(A or B)
on the left and right recline
mechanisms. Use a 7/16" wrench and adjust both left and right hex
nuts one full revolution. Turn right to tighten or left to loosen
(Fig. 5).
3. Return recliner to upright position and check recliner for reclining,
legrest, and/or footrest action. Repeat step two if needed. Tighten hex
nuts no more than two full revolutions.
Remove any chair that does not function properly from service
until properly repaired to factory specifications.
Keep hands clear of moving parts.
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
Fig. 5
Fig. 4
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Document No.: 006120
Revision: AC
Owners Operating & Maintenance Manual:
Care Cliner Collection
Owners Operating & Maintenance Manual:
Care Cliner Collection
Содержание 6530
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