Contact Wilson Electronics Technical Support Team with any questions at 866-294-1660
or email: [email protected]. Hours: 7 am to 6 pm MST.
The Signal Booster is equipped with sensitive electronics designed to detect Signal Booster
oscillation or cell phone overload, both of which can hamper Signal Booster performance.
The Signal Booster is designed to automatically reduce gain or, if necessary, shut down
to prevent or compensate for these conditions. Oscillation or overload can be caused by
improper equipment installation, understanding the Signal Booster lights will help you identify
and solve potential problems.
45 55 65
When the Signal Booster is initially powered on, the 65 light
will turn green. This indicates the Signal Booster is working at
the proper gain level.
If the 55 light is green, an oscillation has been detected and
the Signal Booster is powering down. Verify that the outside
Yagi Antenna is pointed away from the Inside Antenna and
not across the roof of the building. If need be, redirect the
Yagi Antenna so that it is pointing away from the Inside
Antenna. Then, reset the Signal Booster by disconnecting
and reconnecting the power supply.
If the 45 light is green, the Signal Booster is continuing to
power down. Try operating the cell phone farther away from
the Inside Antenna. If need be, redirect the Yagi Antenna so
that it is pointing away from the Inside Antenna. Then, reset
the Signal Booster by disconnecting and reconnecting the
power supply.
If the OSC light is solid red, the Signal Booster has shut down
to prevent osciallation. Try operating the cell phone farther
away from the Inside Antenna. Verify that the outside Yagi
Antenna is pointed away from the Inside Antenna and not
across the roof of the building. If need be, redirect the Yagi
Antenna so that it is pointing away from the Inside Antenna.
Then, reset the Signal Booster by disconnecting and
reconnecting the power supply.
45 55 65
45 55 65
45 55 65
If your Signal Booster has this
light configuration refer to the
instructions below.
Understanding the Signal Booster Lights
45 55 65
If the OSC light is blinking red, the Signal Booster has shut
down to prevent a receive overload. Try moving the Outside
Antenna farther away from the cell tower.