Assembly procedure
1. Fix the ash tray extension panel – left (F) and right (G) to the ash tray (D) as shown in below diagram ((H) Screw
5Pcs / (I) Wing nut 1Pc).
2. Having made the decision where to erect the barbecue (It requires a strong and even base) you need the following
material and tools to build the barbecue which not included:
a. At least 102 bricks (90 bricks with approximately dimension: 225x112.5x75 mm + 12 bricks with approximately
dimension: 112.5x112.5x75 mm) (Bricks not included)
b. 8-10
c. 40-50
d. Water
e. Brick trowel, knife, scissors, plumb line, brick hammer
3. Place the first course of bricks in position around the three sides of the cooking grill. Score or mark their positions
on the foundation.
4. Build six course of normal brickwork above ground level according to the shown pattern in
sketch 1 and 2
5. The seventh course needs to be built according to
sketch 3
(Build seventh course of bricks to the pattern as
shown in the Diagram. Before laying the eighth course, place 2 pieces grill supports (E) in mortar on each side
protruding at least 25mm from the brickwork, so that they will evenly support the ash tray (D) when the mortar is set.
One support on each side should be approximately 120mm from the back wall. Check for exact position by offering
the ash tray up to the supports before the mortar is hard). This course will support the charcoal grid. For the eighth
course see
sketch 2
6. Ninth and eleventh course need to be built as shown in
sketch 3
. These courses will provide the lower and higher
cooking grill position. Twelfth course to be built as shown in
sketch 2
. All the cooking grid supports are assembled
well, please refer to
sketch 4
7. After having erected the masonry barbecue and a cerain period of drying and hardening you can slide the metal
parts into position as shown in the exploded diagran and the assembled diagram below. To provide different
cooking heights and different temperatures there are two positions for the cooking grill.