27. enter your height, select (
=plus) and confirm ‘SET’.
28. The values you’ve just set are displayed again consecutively. When the display shows ‘0.0’, step on the scale
barefoot to measure. (This scale has an energy-saving mode that switches it off automatically if no key is
pressed for approximately 10 seconds.)
If you do not input any information within 10 seconds, the device will automatically switch itself off to conserve
the battery. If you do not input all relevant personal data and then save it by pressing Set, the data will be lost and
must be input again.
Should you have made mistakes when inputting the data, go through the data again and correct the respectively
false settings by simply inputting it again. Such changes can be saved by pressing Set.
Body Monitoring
22. Switch on the scale by pressing the “ON” button.
23. An exact measurement can only be made if the person being weighed is standing on the platform barefooted,
with clean and dry feet. It is indispensable to stand with the feet on the stainless steel straps. There should not
be any other objects on the platform at this time.
24. Select the entry with your personal data by continuously pressing the SET button and wait a few seconds until
the LCD indicator ‘0.0’ kg is displayed. Now you can step on the scale and begin to analyze your body
25. Your body-weight reading is displayed first. Analysis of body fat/water/muscle/bone then begins. Note: Please
stand still until the analysis is complete. Process is shown in the form of a segmented graphic display.
26. The screen then displays body fat (FAT) as a percentage, along with the proportion of body water (TBW),