12-5 Don
t satisfy a blur night Pictures. It seems not so clear to view a moving animal.
Simply to set the Shutter /ISO to FAST. To a get better result, it is highly recommended to apply more external IR boosters.
12-6 The Light in the front of the housing does always remain ON:
-The unit just is set for Walk-Test mode. The light remains ON steady within 60s warming up period.
-The CAM-PW is not OFF. Remember to turn camera OFF after finishing for camera usage.
12-7 How can I get more pictures against a small animal like raccoon; hare?
Try to mount the camera at 0.5~0.7 meter height on a tree.
12-8 It seems camera did not capture any image or video at night, it can still capture at day:
Check the camera batteries if they are bad already. Try to replace with new batteries to test again
12-9 Why are every things displayed on TV mode without color?
It might be caused by improper setting of TV signal format. Try to change for another setting like TV-PAL <> TV-NTSC. If it is still fail, you have to
change your TV set to be the NTSC to match the signal protocol with the camera.
12-10 Why does the battery icon still show BLANK after replaced with new batteries already?
You must re-boot the device by the main PW switch every times you did replace for batteries.
12-11 Why does the memory full icon still blinking rapidly after deleted files from SD card already?
You must re-boot the device by the main PW switch every times you did clear memory or replace with a new SD card.
Important Note:
12-12 Why can
t I wake up the camera screen ON and seems No response while pressing any keys?
-You forget to press the CAM-PW firstly before trying to operate the camera.
-You have to wait for a performing event to be finished itself and then, press the CAM-PW.
-Check if there is SD card with huge amount of images stored in the slot. If YES, you have to wait for a few seconds until the card initializing to be done
since CAM-PW is ON. And, it is highly to recommend you to save the file to PC frequently and clean up the card in order to get more empty space.
12-13 I expect to see the scout counter to start from 000 while resume a new trail.. How can I do?
Press the OK/DEL and hold for 3 seconds to eliminate the old records. Now you will see 000.
12-14. What are difference between the Feature QUICK Shots vs BURST Shots?
The QUICK shots is defined how many times to be allowed to take shots once an event will be detected. Additional shots will be triggered by further
movements up to 3 times. If no more movement will be detected, it means you will just get only one image even you had set for 3 quick shots. Other than
QUICK Shot, you can enable the BURST mode to take more shots during each event. Camera will take a several shots automatically once a moment will be
detected. There is no need further detections required and you will get an user defined quantity of images within one event.
12-15. Why I could not see the Videos or Pictures which I just toke previously?
You need to know the screen will only display the image or video files corresponding to the current setting. You have to change the setting once if you want
to view other kind of media files.
12-16. Camera seems NOT write any picture into my
Empty SD
card and displayed with Memory Full:
You must format the SD card which was ever used in the other device before applying it in this camera.
Check the current SD card and try to use a brand New SD card instead of your current SD.
12-17. Reset the Unit out of System Halt:
In case the event counter stopped to respond for any sensing, or you notice the LCD is always blank even the Power switch is ON, the system may halt
already to cause the problem. Remove all batteries out of compartment for more than 10 minutes in order to reset the unit. All pictures will be retained and the
unit will resume to the factory default settings. You will need to reprogram with your desired parameters before use.
Please consult your dealer if you have any technical questions or problem while you use the
product before you request to send back for repairing. Most of problem issues may easily be solved
with help from the telephone support.