WIKA operating instructions models SC58, SC64
14054366.02 02/2016 EN/DE
P6: Actual value correction
The value set here is added to the sensor‘s measured value. The
modified measurement is shown on the display and serves as the basis
for control.
P19: Key lock
The key lock enables the operator keys to be blocked. In the locked state,
changing the set point via the keys is not possible. When you attempt to
adjust the set point while the key lock is active, the message “---” appears
on the display.
P30: Lower alarm limit
P31: Upper alarm limit
The alarm output with single-sided hysteresis (see parameter P32) is
effectively a limit or band alarm. The limit values, with limit as well as
band alarm, can at any time be relative, and thus concurrent with the set
point S1/S1', or absolute, so independent of the set point S1/S1'. The
hysteresis acts on one side inwards with limit alarms, and outwards with
band alarms.
7. Configuration
Function as limit alarm
If the actual value is outside the set
temperature limits; thus above the
upper limit value or below the lower
limit value, the alarm contact will
be active.
Function as band alarm
Inverse switching behaviour as with
limit alarms. Light 3 indicates or the
alarm contact is energised if the
actual value is within the set limits.
Upper limit
Set point
Lower limit
Upper limit
Set point
Lower limit