Operating Instructions - CPA2501
Air Data Test Indicator
3.5 Display
The display is made up of two sections. In the main screen (“Measure Application”), the left two thirds
shows the transducer channels that are configured for display, along with the air data or pressure read-
ing, units, channel label, and any auxiliary indications that have been chosen. The right one third of the
screen has Application Icons (“Apps”) for setting viewing options, transducer settings, communication
settings plus a “Page Down” button [ ] that, when pressed, shows a second and third page of icons for
calibration, remote communication error checking and a leak test application.
Transducer Channels
Settings Apps
Channel label
and range
Units and Mode
Auxiliary Indications
Page Down
Buttons, Labels and Windows: The CPA2501 touch screen has many buttons with relevant graphic
icons or text which, when pressed, will open a related window where changes can be made or informa-
tion viewed. Some of these buttons will toggle from one state to another, others present choices or dis-
play a numerical data entry screen. Text or icons that are displayed, but do not respond to being touched,
are called labels or windows. Operators will quickly become accustomed to the particular characteristics
of the frequently used buttons.
Main Screen: The main screen or “Measure Application” appears after power-up. This screen contains
the channel frames and settings button. It will remain as configured after a power cycle.
Transducer Channel Frame(s): The transducer channel frames (left 2/3 of the screen) contain informa-
tion specific to a channel. Up to three channels can be displayed at once, two are shown in the picture
above. The channel frames are color coded with Ps channel red, Qc channel green, Pt channel Blue,
and the remote channel red. The optional barometer channel is sky-blue. If only one channel is installed,
a full frame will be displayed in the color of the channel connected. The channel frame contains the pres-
sure reading, units, and any auxiliary displays that have been chosen.
3.6 Chassis Assembly
The chassis assembly is the housing for the system and the removable transducers. The system has no
user-serviceable parts, and therefore the chassis should not be opened except by qualified repair per-
sonnel at Mensor or certified service locations for any reason except to change the removable transduc-