WIENER, Plein & Baus GmbH
The following rules apply:
(i) Whenever the Repeat Mode (RM), Address Scan (AS), Q-Stop, or FC bit is set, the stack
line must be followed by another line defining the maximum number (11-bit number) of
times the command is to be repeated.
(ii) When the Hit Mode (HM) bit is set, the Number of Terms bits must be declared. The
stack line must be followed by the specified number of data lines representing bit masks
BMask(1 to NT), to be used in constructing the logical condition for performing the
command. The logical equation is:
[BMask(1) AND HD = BMask(1)) OR (BMask(2)
AND HD = BMask(2)) OR (BMask(3)
AND HD = BMask(3)) OR (BMask(4)
AND HD = BMask(4)],
i.e., the command will be performed whenever all bits in any of the specified Bit Maks are
set in the hit register data.
Since the stack can be quite complex, it is advisable to write a proper routine to set up the
stack. As an option, one may utilize the CC-USBWin Windows application to build the stack
and save it to disk.
4.6 CAMAC common functions
The common CAMAC controller functions as Initialize (Z), Clear (C) and Inhibit (I) are
realized via NAF calls to “internal” station numbers N=28 and 29. These functions can be
programmed as follows
Function N A F
28 8 29
28 9 29
Set Inhibit
29 9 24
Clear Inhibit
29 9 26
4.7 Structure of the IN Packets
The General Output Buffer is associated with Endpoint 6 of the USB2 controller IC, which is
configured as a 512 byte deep FIFO. This endpoint is configured for bulk transfer and one
can specify lengths of buffers to be read of any length (up to 8192 bytes) compatible with
the CC-USB functionality. Al data supplied by the CC-USB is to be read from the Endpoint
6. While reading, it is important to specify the length of the buffer not shorter than the length
of the actual data buffer written by the CC-USB into this endpoint.