Getting used to the hearing aid
There is only one way
Whether you are an experienced or a new user, only
consistent and determined daily practice will give
you the maximum results from your hearing aid.
There are no tricks or short cuts.
Your hearing aid does not restore normal hearing
but it will make it much easier for you to hear and
understand what other people are saying and to en-
joy many other sounds. So, don’t give up. The learn-
ing process will take time, but millions of experi-
enced users can testify that the results are worth the
Beginning to use the hearing aid
When you wear a hearing aid for the first time, you
will hear sounds that you may not have heard for
years. It takes time to get used to hearing so many
ordinary sounds again, but with practice and pa-
tience these sounds will become a part of your com-
fortable world of sounds.