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バッテリーは 100%充電さ


1 つのインジケータが赤で点


















Содержание MBR3D



Страница 3: ...ammable substances Never try to open or repair the charger yourself Contact your hearing care professional if you experience defects Use only a WPT202 charger with your hearing aids Use of a charger n...

Страница 4: ...ce NOTE Your charger may not look exactly like the one illustrated in this booklet We reserve the right to make any changes we consider necessary The charger at a glance The charger has a charging wel...

Страница 5: ...sunlight Operate the charger within the following conditions Minimum Maximum Temperature 0 C 32 F 30 C 86 F Humidity 10 rH 95 rH Store and transport the charger within the following conditions Minimu...

Страница 6: ...he hinged cover on both sides and lift it upwards Then pull it over towards the side with the USB port When you are not using the charger close the hinged cover to protect the charging wells Simply pu...

Страница 7: ...Power supply You can connect your charger to different power supplies with 5V DC 500 mA output Use only the included USB cable 7...

Страница 8: ...he charger 1 1 Micro USB port Power on When the charger is connected to the power supply the light indicators flash white 5 times and then turn off The charger is now in standby mode and ready to char...

Страница 9: ...each hearing aid can be charged individually de pending on the state of the hearing aid This means that if one hearing aid is fully charged and placed in the charger it will not charge However if the...

Страница 10: ...ting the hearing aid the light indicator turns solid yellow Once the charger has detected the hearing aid the charging will begin The light indicator will flash green to indicate that the hearing aid...

Страница 11: ...s more than 40 charged The light indicator will turn solid green to indicate that the hearing aid is 100 charged After charging Avoid removing the hearing aids from the charging wells by pulling the e...

Страница 12: ...feel warm If you are not comfortable with this wait a few minutes for the hearing aid to reach room temperature before putting the hearing aid on Overview of light indicators Light indicators Status F...

Страница 13: ...he charging has stopped See Troubleshooting Both indicators flashing red An error occurred during charging and the charging has stopped See Troubleshooting Flashing yellow The temperature of the heari...

Страница 14: ...ft dry cloth If you notice any dust in the charging well gently blow it clean If this is not enough gently clean the charging well with a cotton bud To remove earwax from the charger carefully wipe wi...

Страница 15: ...orrectly in the charger Place the hearing aid correctly in the charger One or both indicators flashing yellow The temperature of your surroundings or of the hearing aid exceeds a critical limit and th...

Страница 16: ...10 seconds and then try again If the charger is still flashing red contact your hearing care professional Both indicators flashing red The charger has a critical error Remove the hearing aid disconne...

Страница 17: ...the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 2014 53 EU The WPT202 contains a radio transmitter operating at 6 78 MHz 13 4 dB A m 3 m A copy of the Declaration of Conformity...

Страница 18: ...hargers should be disposed of at sites intended for electrical waste and electronic equipment or given to your hearing care professional for safe disposal For returning or shipping the devices please...

Страница 19: ...ogue item number Consult instructions for use The user instructions contain important cautionary information warnings precautions and must be read before using the prod uct Warning Text marked with a...

Страница 20: ...M mark The product complies with electrical safety EMC and radio spectrum regulatory requirements for products supplied to the Australian or New Zealand markets FCC logo The product is compliant with...

Страница 21: ...erca de sustancias inflamables Nunca intente desmontarlo o repararlo usted mismo P ngase en con tacto con su audioprotesista si el dispositivo presenta defectos Utilice solo un cargador WPT202 para su...

Страница 22: ...rgador no sea exactamente igual al que se muestra en es te folleto Nos reservamos el derecho de hacer los cambios que consideremos necesarios Caracter sticas principales del cargador El cargador inclu...

Страница 23: ...tar bajo la luz solar directa Utilice el cargador en las siguientes condiciones M nima M xima Temperatura 0 C 32 F 30 C 86 F Humedad 10 HR 95 HR Almacene y transporte el cargador en las siguientes con...

Страница 24: ...batible de ambos lados y lev ntela Luego tire de ella hacia el costado con el puer to USB Cuando no utilice el cargador cierre la cubierta abatible para proteger los orificios de carga Solo tire de la...

Страница 25: ...Alimentaci n Puede conectar el cargador a diferentes fuentes de alimentaci n con 5 V DC Salida de 500 mA Utilice nicamente el cable USB incluido 25...

Страница 26: ...1 Puerto micro USB Encendido Cuando el cargador est conectado a la fuente de alimentaci n los indica dores de luz parpadean en blanco 5 veces y luego se apagan El cargador ya est en modo de reposo y l...

Страница 27: mismo tiempo Sin embargo cada aud fono se puede cargar por separado seg n el estado de cada uno de ellos Esto significa que si un aud fono est completamente cargado y conecta do al cargador no se c...

Страница 28: ...el aud fono el indicador de luz se vuelve amarillo fijo Una vez que el cargador haya detectado el aud fono comenzar a cargar lo El indicador de luz parpadear en verde para indicar que el aud fono tie...

Страница 29: ...e m s de un 40 de carga El indicador de luz se volver verde fijo para indicar que el aud fono tiene un 100 de carga Despu s de la carga Evite retirar los aud fonos de los orificios de carga tirando de...

Страница 30: ...est caliente durante un tiempo Si no se siente c modo con esto espere unos minutos hasta que el aud fono alcance la temperatura ambiente antes de coloc rselo Descripci n general de los indicadores de...

Страница 31: ...error durante la carga y esta se ha detenido Ver resoluci n de problemas Ambos indicadores parpadean en rojo Se ha producido un error durante la carga y esta se ha detenido Ver resoluci n de problemas...

Страница 32: ...orificio de carga s plelo con suavidad Si esto no es suficiente limpie cuidadosamente el orificio de carga con un bastoncillo de algod n Para quitar el cerumen del cargador l mpielo con cuidado usand...

Страница 33: ...e El aud fono no est bien colocado en el cargador Coloque el aud fono correctamente en el car gador Uno o ambos indicadoresparpa dean en amarillo La temperatura del en torno o del aud fono su pera un...

Страница 34: ...tarlo Si el cargador sigue parpadeandoen rojo p ngase en contacto con su profesional de la audici n Ambos indicadores parpadeandoen rojo El cargador tiene un error cr tico Retire el aud fono desco n c...

Страница 35: ...s esenciales y otras disposiciones aplicables de la Di rectiva 2014 53 UE El modelo WPT202 tiene integrado un transmisor de radio que funciona a 6 78 MHz 13 4 dB A m a 3 m Puede consultar una copia de...

Страница 36: ...en dese charse en sitios aptos para residuos de aparatos el ctricos y electr nicos o deben entregarse a un profesional de la audici n para su eliminaci n se gura Si desea devolver o enviar los disposi...

Страница 37: ...el producto Consulte las instrucciones de uso Las instrucciones de uso incluyen informaci n preventiva impor tante advertencias y precauciones y deben leerse antes de usar el producto Advertencia Ante...

Страница 38: ...ormativos de seguridad el ctri ca compatibilidad electromagn tica y bandas de frecuencia para pro ductos suministrados a los mercados de Australia y Nueva Zelanda Logotipo de FCC El producto cumple co...

Страница 39: ...e plane et stable pendant le chargement en veillant ce qu il y ait suffisamment d espace autour du chargeur Ne le recouvrez pas et ne le placez pas pr s de substances inflammables N essayez jamais d o...

Страница 40: ...doit tre conforme aux normes de s curit CEI 60601 1 CEI 62368 1 ou aux normes de s curit quivalentes accepta bles dans votre r gion Utilisez toujours le c ble USB fourni avec l adap tateur lectrique a...

Страница 41: ...n est peut tre pas exactement identique celui repr sent dans ce mode d emploi Nous nous r servons le droit d apporter toutes modi fications que nous jugerons n cessaires Le chargeur en bref Le charge...

Страница 42: ...rt en plein soleil Utilisez le chargeur selon les conditions suivantes Minimum Maximum Temp rature 0 C 32 F 30 C 86 F Humidit 10 HR 95 HR Stockez et transportez le chargeur selon les conditions suivan...

Страница 43: ...c t et soulevez le vers le haut Puis rabattez le en direction du c t avec le port USB Lorsque vous n utilisez pas le chargeur fermez le couvercle charni re pour prot ger les so cles de recharge Il suf...

Страница 44: ...Bloc d alimentation Vous pouvez connecter votre chargeur diff rentes sources d alimenta tion avec 5V DC sortie de 500 mA Utilisez uniquement le c ble USB inclus 44...

Страница 45: ...Micro port USB Marche Lorsque le chargeur est connect la source d alimentation les voyants lumineux clignotent d une lumi re blanche 5 fois puis s teignent Le chargeur est alors en mode veille et pr t...

Страница 46: ...chaque aide au ditive peut tre recharg e individuellement selon l tat de l aide auditive Autrement dit si une aide auditive est enti rement charg e et plac e dans le chargeur elle ne se rechargera pa...

Страница 47: ...te l aide auditive le voyant est jaune cons tant Le chargement d butera lorsque le chargeur aura d tect l aide auditive Le voyant clignotera d une lumi re verte pour indiquer que le niveau de la pile...

Страница 48: ...p rieur 40 Le voyant s allumera d une lumi re verte constante pour indiquer que le niveau de la pile de l aide auditive est 100 Apr s le chargement vitez de retirer les aides auditives des socles du c...

Страница 49: ...itive soit temporairement chaude Si vous trouvez que cela n est pas agr able attendez quelques minutes afin que l aide auditive retrouve une temp rature ambiante avant de l in staller sur votre oreill...

Страница 50: ...e lors du chargement et le chargement a t interrompu Voir D pannage Les deux voyants sont rouges cli gnotants Une erreur s est produite lors du chargement et le chargement a t interrompu Voir D pannag...

Страница 51: ...poussi re dans le socle du chargeur faites la dis para tre en soufflant doucement Si cela ne suffit pas nettoyez d licate ment le socle du chargeur avec un coton tige Pour liminer le c rumen du charg...

Страница 52: ...dans le chargeur Placez correctement l ai de auditive dans le char geur Un voyant ou les deuxclignotent d une lumi re jaune La temp rature de la pi ce ou de l aide auditive d passe une limite criti qu...

Страница 53: ...essayez Si le chargeur continue clignoterd une lumi re rouge contactez vo treaudioproth siste Les deux voyants clignoterd une lu mi re rouge Le chargeur pr sente une erreur critique Retirez l aide aud...

Страница 54: ...conforme aux exigences essentielles et autres dispositions pertinentes de la Directi ve 2014 53 UE Le WPT202 comprend un metteur radio fonctionnant 6 78 MHz 13 4 dB A m 3 m Une copie de la D claratio...

Страница 55: ...vent tre mis au rebut dans des endroits pr vus pour des d chets d quipements lectriques et lectroniques ou bien remis votre audioproth siste pour une mise au rebut en toute s curit Pour le retour ou l...

Страница 56: ...mode d emploi Le mode d emploi comprend des informations importantes aver tissements pr cautions Il est imp ratif de le lire attentivement avant d utiliser le produit Avertissement Lisez attentivement...

Страница 57: ...normes de s curit lectrique la CEM et aux exigences r glementaires en mati re de spectre des radiofr quences pour les produits vendus sur les march s australien ou n o z landais Logo FCC Le produit e...

Страница 58: ...n coprire e non collocare vicino a sostanze infiammabili Non tentare mai di aprire o riparare il caricabatterie da soli In caso di difetti contattare il proprio audioprotesista Utilizzare solo un cari...

Страница 59: ...Il caricabatterie potrebbe non avere esattamente l aspetto illustrato in questo opuscolo Ci riserviamo il diritto di apportare tutte le modifiche necessarie Panoramica del caricabatterie Il caricatore...

Страница 60: ...Utilizzare il caricabatterie nelle seguenti condizioni Minima Massima Temperatura 0 C 32 F 30 C 86 F Umidit 10 UR 95 UR Conservare e trasportare il caricabatterie nelle seguenti condizioni Minima Mas...

Страница 61: ...lati e sollevarlo verso l alto Poi tirarlo verso il lato con la porta USB Quando non si utilizza il caricabatterie chiude re il coperchio a cerniera per proteggere i vani di ricarica Occorre semplice...

Страница 62: ...Alimentazione possibile collegare il caricabatterie a diversi alimentatori con uscita da 5 V CC 500 mA Utilizzare solo il cavo USB in dotazione 62...

Страница 63: ...rie 1 1 Porta Micro USB Accensione Quando il caricabatterie collegato all alimentatore le spie lampeggiano in bianco 5 volte e poi si spengono Il caricabatterie ora in modalit standby e pronto a ricar...

Страница 64: ...oraneamente tuttavia ciascun apparecchio acustico pu essere ricaricato individualmente a seconda dello stato Ci significa che se un apparecchio acustico completamente carico e vie ne collocato nel car...

Страница 65: ...ecchio acustico la spia si accende fis sa in giallo Una volta che il caricabatterie ha rilevato l apparecchio acustico inizier la ricarica La spia lampeggia in verde per indicare che le batterie dell...

Страница 66: ...arica La spia si accende fissa in verde per indicare che l apparecchio acustico al 100 di carica Dopo la ricarica Non rimuovere gli apparecchi acustici dai vani di ricarica tirando il filo tubo aurico...

Страница 67: ...ico pu restare tem poraneamente caldo Se questo causa fastidio prima di indossare l apparecchio acustico atten dere qualche minuto perch raggiunga la temperatura ambiente Panoramica delle spie Spie St...

Страница 68: ...stata Consultare la sezione Risoluzione dei problemi Entrambi le spie lampeggiano in rosso Si verificato un errore durante la ricarica che stata arrestata Consultare la sezione Risoluzione dei problem...

Страница 69: ...o di ricarica soffiare delicatamente per pulirlo Se questo non sufficiente pulire delicatamente il vano di ricarica con un batuffolo di cotone Per rimuovere il cerume dal caricabatterie pulire con cur...

Страница 70: ...chio acustico non inserito corretta mente nel caricabatterie Collocare l apparecchio acustico correttamente nel caricabatterie Una o entrambe le spiein giallo lam peggiante La temperatura dell am bien...

Страница 71: ...parecchio acustico disconnettere l alimentazione per 10 se condi e riprovare Se il caricabatterie lampeggiaancora in ros so contattare il pro prioaudioprotesista Entrambe le spie lampeggianoin ros so...

Страница 72: ...i essenziali e alle altre disposizioni contenute nella Direttiva 2014 53 UE Il modello WPT202 contiene un trasmettitore radio che opera a 6 78 MHz 13 4 dB A m a 3 m Copia della Dichiarazione di Confor...

Страница 73: ...aricabatte rie devono essere smaltiti in siti destinati ad apparecchiature elettriche ed elettroniche o consegnati all audioprotesista per uno smaltimento in con dizioni di sicurezza Per la restituzio...

Страница 74: ...e le istruzioni d uso Le istruzioni contengono importanti informazioni per la sicurezza avvertenze precauzioni e devono essere lette prima di utilizza re il prodotto Avvertenza I testi contrassegnati...

Страница 75: ...requisiti normativi sulla sicurezza elettrica di compatibilit elettromagnetica e sullo spettro radio per i prodotti for niti sui mercati australiano o neozelandese Logo FCC Il prodotto conforme alle...

Страница 76: ...50 C 122 F WPT202 WSAUD A S 76...

Страница 77: ...IEC60601 1 IEC62368 1 USB USB A 77...

Страница 78: ...2 1 3 3 2 2 4 1 USB 2 3 4 78...

Страница 79: ...0 C 32 F 30 C 86 F 10 95 20 C 4 F 50 C 122 F 10 95 750 mbar 1060 mbar https global widex com 79...

Страница 80: ...USB 80...

Страница 81: ...5V DC 500 mA USB 81...

Страница 82: ...1 1 USB 5 82...

Страница 83: ...2 1 1 4 30 4 83...

Страница 84: ...40 84...

Страница 85: ...40 100 85...

Страница 86: ...40 40 86...

Страница 87: ...100 1 87...

Страница 88: ...88...

Страница 89: ...USB 1 89...

Страница 90: ...1 10 10 90...

Страница 91: ...WPT202 EU 2014 53 EU WSAUD A S WPT202 2014 53 EU WPT202 6 78 MHz 13 4 dB A m 3 m 2014 53 EU https global widex com doc N26346 91...

Страница 92: ...92...

Страница 93: ...WSAUD A S WEEE 93...

Страница 94: ...CE CE RCM EMC FCC USA47CFR FCC 94...

Страница 95: ...50 C 122 F WPT202 WSAUD A S IEC 60601 1 IEC 62368 1 USB USB A 95...

Страница 96: ...1 3 3 2 2 4 1 Micro USB 2 3 4 96...

Страница 97: ...0 C 32 F 30 C 86 F 10 rH 95 rH 20 C 4 F 50 C 122 F 10 rH 95 rH 750 mbar 1060 mbar https global widex com 97...

Страница 98: ...USB 98...

Страница 99: ...5V DC 500 mA USB 99...

Страница 100: ...1 1 Micro USB 5 100...

Страница 101: ...4 4 101...

Страница 102: ...40 102...

Страница 103: ...40 100 103...

Страница 104: ...40 40 100 104...

Страница 105: ...105...

Страница 106: ...106...

Страница 107: ...USB 10 107...

Страница 108: ...10 108...

Страница 109: ...WPT202 2014 53 EU WSAUD A SWPT202 2014 53 EU WPT202 6 78 MHz 13 4 dB A m 3 m 2014 53 EU https global widex com doc N26346 109...

Страница 110: ...110...

Страница 111: ...IFU WSAUD A S WEEE CE CE RCM EMC 111...

Страница 112: ...FCC USA 47 CFR FCC 112...

Страница 113: ...mmable substances Never try to open or repair the charger yourself Contact your hearing care professional if you experience defects Use only a WPT202 charger with your hearing aids Use of a charger no...

Страница 114: ...e NOTE Your charger may not look exactly like the one illustrated in this booklet We reserve the right to make any changes we consider necessary The charger at a glance The charger has a charging well...

Страница 115: ...sunlight Operate the charger within the following conditions Minimum Maximum Temperature 0 C 32 F 30 C 86 F Humidity 10 rH 95 rH Store and transport the charger within the following conditions Minimum...

Страница 116: ...e hinged cover on both sides and lift it upwards Then pull it over towards the side with the USB port When you are not using the charger close the hinged cover to protect the charging wells Simply pul...

Страница 117: ...Power supply You can connect your charger to different power supplies with 5V DC 500 mA output Use only the included USB cable 117...

Страница 118: ...e charger 1 1 Micro USB port Power on When the charger is connected to the power supply the light indicators flash white 5 times and then turn off The charger is now in standby mode and ready to charg...

Страница 119: ...ach hearing aid can be charged individually de pending on the state of the hearing aid This means that if one hearing aid is fully charged and placed in the charger it will not charge However if the o...

Страница 120: ...ting the hearing aid the light indicator turns solid yellow Once the charger has detected the hearing aid the charging will begin The light indicator will flash green to indicate that the hearing aid...

Страница 121: ...more than 40 charged The light indicator will turn solid green to indicate that the hearing aid is 100 charged After charging Avoid removing the hearing aids from the charging wells by pulling the ea...

Страница 122: ...eel warm If you are not comfortable with this wait a few minutes for the hearing aid to reach room temperature before putting the hearing aid on Overview of light indicators Light indicators Status Fl...

Страница 123: ...he charging has stopped See Troubleshooting Both indicators flashing red An error occurred during charging and the charging has stopped See Troubleshooting Flashing yellow The temperature of the heari...

Страница 124: ...ft dry cloth If you notice any dust in the charging well gently blow it clean If this is not enough gently clean the charging well with a cotton bud To remove earwax from the charger carefully wipe wi...

Страница 125: ...rrectly in the charger Place the hearing aid correctly in the charger One or both indicators flashing yellow The temperature of your surroundings or of the hearing aid exceeds a critical limit and the...

Страница 126: ...10 seconds and then try again If the charger is still flashing red contact your hearing care professional Both indicators flashing red The charger has a critical error Remove the hearing aid disconnec...

Страница 127: ...the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 2014 53 EU The WPT202 contains a radio transmitter operating at 6 78 MHz 13 4 dB A m 3 m A copy of the Declaration of Conformity...

Страница 128: ...device system design that includes Individual MAC address for each unit which is checked during each transmission A built in pairing table which specifies valid and legitimate pairing among units A pr...

Страница 129: ...47 CFR Part 18 RF emissions US FCC requirements for Industrial Scientific and Medical Equipment IEC 60601 1 2 General EMC including RF emissions RF immunity ESD Medical Electrical Equipment Electro ma...

Страница 130: ...ogue item number Consult instructions for use The user instructions contain important cautionary information warnings precautions and must be read before using the prod uct Warning Text marked with a...

Страница 131: ...ets FCC logo The product is compliant with relevant USA 47 CFR Rules FCC Federal Communications Commission Medical device Indication that the device is a medical device Symbols commonly used in medica...

Страница 132: ...designated collection point for recycling and re covering to prevent the risk of harm to the environment or hu man health as a result of the presence of hazardous substances CE mark The product is in...

Страница 133: ...Symbol Title Description Medical device Indication that the device is a medical device 133...

Страница 134: ...reasonable protection against harmful interfer ence in a residential installation This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and if not installed and used in accord ance wit...

Страница 135: ...quipment ISED Statement D claration d ISED CAN RSS 216 CNR 216 CAN ICES 1 NMB 1 This device contains licence exempt transmitter s receiver s that com ply with Innovation Science and Economic Developme...

Страница 136: ...h ISED RF radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment This transmitter must not be co located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter ISED EXPOSITION...

Страница 137: ...WSAUD A S Nymoellevej 6 DK 3540 Lynge Denmark https global widex com Manual no 9 514 0596 094 01 Issue 2021 10 9 514 0596 094 01...
