FM systems
An FM system is an assistive listening device that
can be used as an accessory for Inteo . The FM sys-
tem makes it easier to understand speech in diffi-
cult listening situations .
A wireless FM system consists of a small radio
transmitter with a microphone placed near the
speaker and a small radio receiver clicked onto In-
teo via an FM shoe . The operating range is approx .
49 feet depending on the surroundings .
For help to determine whether you could benefit
from an FM system, please consult your hearing
care professional .
Remote control
The remote control is an accessory for your hearing
aid . It provides an alternative way of operating
your hearing aid You can easily operate your hear-
ing aid without a remote control, but it gives you a
number of additional options . For help to deter-
mine whether you could benefit from a remote
control, please consult your hearing care profes-
sional .