The hearing aid is made of modern hypoaller-
genic materials . Still, in rare cases skin irrita-
tion can occur . If you notice skin irritation in or
around your ear or ear canal, contact your hear-
ing care professional .
Please be aware that the use of any type of hear-
ing aid/earmold may involve a slightly in-
creased risk of infection in the ear canal . An in-
fection can arise as a result of inadequate ven-
tilation of the ear . Therefore, we recommend
that you take out your hearing aid/earmold at
night to allow the ear canal to be ventilated .
Make sure that you clean and inspect your
hearing aid/earmold as required . If an infec-
tion occurs, you should disinfect your hearing
aid/earmold and seek medical advice . Contact
your hearing care professional for further ad-
vice on methods of disinfection . Do not under
any circumstances use alcohol, chlorine or sim-
ilar substances to clean your hearing aid/ear-
mold .
Audio input
Your Inteo hearing aid can be furnished with an au-
dio shoe . This allows direct connection to different
kinds of accessories (FM and CROS/Bi-CROS sys-
tems), as well as external audio equipment (radio,
TV, etc .) . In this way the sound from, for example,
a radio or a speaker provided with an FM micro-
phone can be sent directly into your hearing aid .
With an audio shoe connected to the hearing aid,
one or more of your standard listening programs
are replaced by dedicated audio programs .
In the form below, your hearing care professional
can make a note of the audio programs you have ac-
cess to and where they are located . When you at-
tach the audio shoe, the hearing aid automatically
switches to an audio program (see page 6) . If you
then wish to switch to one of the other programs,
you must use the program button on the hearing
aid . As soon as you remove the audio shoe, the usu-
al program order is re-established (see page ) .