5.8 IP
In this page you can find up to 4 different sections for the configuration of IP addresses
(the number and the typology of sections that are showed is related to the active profile):
1) Point of access
This network is used as an access point from the client connecting to the device.
The available options are the following:
- Assignment section
- Mode used to assign the IP address: static or dynamic (with assignment made by
the DHCP server to whom the device is connected) - Profiles Access Point,
Repeater and Captive portal.
- Address section
- IP address – profiles Access Point, Repeater, Mesh, Router and Captive portal.
- Network (subnet mask) – profiles Access Point, Repeater, Mesh, Router and
Captive portal.
- Gateway – IP address of the gateway to which the device is connected – Profiles
Access Point, Repeater and Captive portal.
- DNS – IP address of the DNS server used from the device – profiles Access Point,
Repeater and Captive portal.
- STP – option to activate the Spanning Tree Protocol – profiles Access Point and
- Export – option used to export the network (respectively from the ethernet port to
the mesh for the profile “Mesh” and from the wireless network to the Ethernet port
for the profile “Router”) – profiles Mesh and Router.
2) Mesh
This network is used by N.A.A.W. devices to connect among them and creating a mesh
The assignment can be made in two ways:
- NAAW – the address is automatically assigned inside a network.
- Static – the address is manually assigned from the user inserting IP address and
subnet mask.
The mesh network is used from all the mesh profiles (Mesh, Mesh GW, Mesh+AP and
Mesh+AP GW).