Chapter 5 GMT Searching
Relic MODE
1. MODE to Relic.
2. Trigger (on hand grip) center "primary Search-
ing" position.
3. TRAC to Ground position.
4. GAIN to "P" position.
5. Threshold, adjust for slight hum (edge of
7. Pump the search coil on the ground to be
searched until ground ceases to respond.
8. Move the coil just over the ground and listen for
the distinct repeatable beep (high or low tone)
produced by a metal targets. It is wise to plant
metals just under the soil to practice on in order to
learn to recognize what it will sound like. Planting a
metal target disturbs the ground mineral, which
usually reduces the depth it would have been found
in undisturbed ground. It will take practice to
determine the proper search speed and technique.
Do not go too fast. Try to overlap your sweep path
so that you won't miss the small and/or deeper
metal targets. Targets to deep or small to achieve
good tone identification will sound at the threshold
level tone.
9. Once a solid repeatable beep is located:
A. Consult the display information.
B. Squeeze and hold the Trigger on the
hand grip and "X" the area to pinpoint and
note how deep you will need to dig listed on
the display.
OPTIONAL method for lesser interest in iron
and/or quieter searching:
10. Lock Trigger (on hand grip) forward.
A. Rejected targets are now suppressed
rather than indicating a lower pitched beep.
11. Ferrous (iron) / Nonferrous (not iron) I.D.
(Archeologist) or Mixed Mode.
A. Lock Trigger (on hand grip) forward.
B. Set DISC control to "0".
C. Ferrous (iron) indicates with a lower
pitched beep.
D. Nonferrous (not iron) indicates with a
higher pitched beep.
E. Some loop motion is required for
detection and identification to occur.
12. Ground Mineralization:
A. For Salt/Alkali environments proceed
exactly as above only with the TRAC toggle
in the Salt position.
B. For areas with an abundance of
decomposed man made iron (which may
make the MXT difficult to operate), proceed
exactly as above only once you pump the
loop over the ground in the Ground TRAC
setting, then set the TRAC control to Lock.
Chapter 6 MXT Searching