Chapter 4 MXT Display
Relic MODE;
The Relic MODE also provides 5 different signifi-
cant indications on the display.
1. VDI = number - As with the Coin and Jewelry
mode the relic VDI (Visual Discrimination Indica-
tion) is a reference number dictated mostly by the
metal targets exact alloy, size, and shape. And just
like coins and jewelry, relics can present with
similar VDI numbers for different objects because
their makeup and electrical charasteristics are
similar. Using the reference label below the display
one can see that iron relics are still in the low VDI
numbers and objects like brass buttons and buckles
with a high concentration of non-ferrous metal or
alloy rate higher VDI numbers compared to their
size and purity.
2. Blocks - The MXT Relic mode uses the same
sixteen filled in Blocks as Coin and Jewelry mode
to further confirm, on the reference label, the
connection between the VDI number and software's
best determination of the target identity. The verti-
cal size (one quarter, one half, or the whole block)
tells one how sure the MXT is of the target ID. Full
bar and half bar usually means dig. Quarter blcoks
are uncertain.
3. Labels - In Relic mode you will see target ID
labels in the upper right of the display. The labels
are Hot Rock, IRON, BUTTON, BULLET and
BUCKLE. Obviously there are many more relic
items possible. Just keep your imagination open for
what possible objects were produced in metal and
how they might compare in size and alloy to the
ones mentioned above.
Chapter 4 MXT Display
NOTE: The filled in block and the VDI number are
separate opinions by the software and may agree or
NOTE: The top
display is a sure
ID. The bottom
display with its
quarter size bar
suggests uncer-
tain unless
theDepth reading
is 6-12.
Mode toggle
switch Center
for Relics