Don’t Push It.
Although your WHISTLER inverter has the capacity to provide
power output (excess current) equal to approximately two times
its rated wattage capacity for a very brief period, it is designed
to operate equipment and appliances with start up load wattage
ratings no higher than its own maximum continuous wattage rating.
For example, the XP400i watt model has a maximum continuous
rating of 400 watts. Although this model has the capacity to briefly
provide more than its continuous power (that is, excess current),
it is designed to operate equipment and appliances with start up
load requirements of 400 watts or less.
Consequently, if the start up load rating of your equipment or
appliance is slightly higher than the maximum continuous rating
of the inverter, the inverter will attempt to start loads above the
continuous rating for several seconds.
The inverter is designed to shut down automatically in the event
of a power overload. Testing appliances and equipment with start
up load ratings comparable to your inverter wattage rating will not
damage the inverter. However, make sure the appliance you are
testing is compatible with modified sine wave inverters. See page
4 for more information.