PROBLEM: Unit alarms when vehicle hits bumps.
Check for loose lighter socket; tighten and clean.
Check connections at both ends of the power cord. Substitute
another cord to determine if the cord is defective. Return
defective cord to the factory.
PROBLEM: Unit falses too much.
If your country only uses 34.0 or 34.3 GHz use Ka Narrow Mode.
If your country uses all of Ka band, switch to Ka Norm.
If alarms are POP Ka, switch POP Mode to off.
If alarms are X or K band and due to radar based traffic flow
sensors or radar based vehicle blind spot detectors, use TFSR/
FDSR modes.
If difficulties occur which cannot be solved by information in this
Troubleshooting Guide, please call Whistler Customer Service at
1-479-273-6012 or visit our FAQ page at
www.whistlergroup.com, before returning your unit for service.
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