Laser Signature ID (LSID)
Identify the Laser gun’s pulse rate or PPS (Pulses per Second)
that is transmitted by the speed laser gun. LSID may also be
used to identify other forms of laser sources such as LACC
(Laser Assisted Cruise Control) systems found in some high end
vehicles. If the Laser PPS information displayed is due to
another source such as local airports or LACC, LSID allows you
to Lock Out this rate from giving you the continuous audio alert
during this and any new encounter of the same rate.
To lock out a PPS, press the Quiet button during the Laser alert.
This will place an * on the screen beside the PPS rate and Lock
Out this signature ID. Any new encounter with the same Laser
Signature ID will provide the display information and two quick
CAUTION: Do not lock out a PPS rate if it is close to known speed
laser guns.
Segmented Selectable Laser Receiver
The laser validation windows are separated into segments
allowing for customization in your country.
Pulse Rate
valid up to 900Hz
LASER 2 valid from 1100Hz - 2000Hz
LASER 3 valid from 2000Hz - 3000Hz
LASER 4 valid from 3000Hz - 4000Hz
LASER c valid from 900Hz - 1100Hz
LASER XR valid for the TraffiPatrol XR