Installation Tip
To facilitate the most expedient setup experience, it
may be desirable to do the initial setup with the MPM4
unit physically in each Zone. If a paging mic is to be
used in the zone, that wire can be used with adapters
to send the output of the MPM4 back to the power
amps in the system equipment location. Pulling a
shielded audio pair along with the CAT 5 wire for the
remotes would also make this possible. After the
initial setup and EQ with the paging mic in each Zone,
the MPM4 can be installed in the equipment location
and each input adjusted as required.
System Startup
Connect the power amplifiers to the speakers and to
the Zone Outputs of the MPM4. LEAVE THE
POWERS AMPS OFF. Connect a known reference
audio source to one of the Source Inputs. Apply
power to the MPM4, turn the Zone Volume Attenuator
Controls fully up and enter the Setup Mode. If the
Mode Select switch is not illuminated, press and hold
it for approximately four seconds to enter the
Password Unlock function. Enter the password and
press the Mode Select switch again. The switch
should illuminate and allow selection of the various
Setup Mode functions. Select the Input Trim mode
and turn all four level controls down to minimum.
Check the settings of the In and Zone EQ, adjust
them to flat if they are not. Enter the Zone Max Level
mode and adjust the Volume Controls to minimum.
Turn on the power amps and turn their input levels up
to a desired starting position. Turn on the reference
audio source, select Input Trim and set the input level
of the to a nominal level, about –6dB. Return to Zone
Max Level mode, select the Source Input and slowly
bring up the Volume Control for each Zone toward
unity gain as indicated by the Control Position
Indicator LED. Unity Gain is at the Flat or –6,
position. Adjust the amplifier input controls to
establish an initial appropriate volume for the
coverage area. Use the Zone EQ to optimize the
speakers to the listening area. Turn off the Source
Input audio.
Priority Setup
Priority Inputs replace the Source Inputs in any Zone
to which they are assigned. The maximum system
volume required by the listening environment should
be determined by the most important audio source to
be heard in each Zone. This could be from a
prerecorded announcement, a particular music
source or a paging microphone. If a paging
microphone is to be used, the system gain structure
should be adjusted to optimize the operation of the
paging function. For this installation a paging mic is
plugged into Priority Input 1. All paging microphones
used with the MPM4 should have an ON/OFF switch.
Select the Priority Assign mode and clear all Priority
Assignments (all Routing LEDs off) in the desired
Zone. Assign Priority In 1 to the Zone and set the level
control to minimum. Connect the paging mic to
Priority Input 1. Select the XLR with the XLR/RCA
switch and switch the Pad Off. Depress the Priority
Zone Level Override P1 switch to On. Select Priority
Trim Mode and turn on the mic. Adjust the Priority
Trim level, leaving enough headroom to avoid
clipping with maximum level peaks. Return to Priority
Assign mode and make sure that the In 1 Switch is
flashing. Slowly bring up the Volume Control in the
desired Zone until the microphone audio is at a
moderate level. Go to Priority EQ mode and make
sure that the In 1 Switch is flashing. The sound of the
microphone can be optimized with the 4-band
Fully optimizing a paging mic involves properly
structuring the gain stages of the MPM4. It is
desirable to have a paging mic that operates only
when spoken directly into and not be triggered by
ambient noise. The Priority Trim gain stage is before
the Priority Threshold Trigger. This allows
adjustment of the trigger level required to activate the
Priority Input. In the Priority Assign mode, the
Volume Controls set the level of the Priority Input
signal feeding into the Zone Max Level gain stage.
Balance the gain between these two stages to
achieve adequate headroom and sufficient system
drive level. If a hotter drive signal is desired from the
MPM4, select Zone Max Level and boost the signal
above unity. This process establishes Zone Max
Level and all other inputs can now be set up in relation
to it.
Source Inputs can be added and balanced at a lower
volume. Turn off the Priority Zone Level Override P1
switch on the rear panel. Return to Normal Mode and
reduce the Zone Volume Controls. Assign Source
Inputs to the desired Zones. Select Input Trim and
the turn up the controls from minimum to set the
balance of the Source Inputs using the paging mic
level as a reference. Other Priority Inputs can be
added by balancing the Priority Trim levels with the
Priority Assign Volumes to achieve the proper system
volume hierarchy. Only the Priority Input being
optimized should be routed to that Zone during setup.
Use the Input EQ and Priority Input EQ to enhance
the sound of each source. With line level signals, the
idle noise level (like a jukebox with no music playing)
must be well below the fixed detector threshold of -
30dB to prevent false triggering.