The MPM4 takes advantage of its comprehensive setup
functions to provide the system operator with a simple and
intuitive set of controls for selecting audio sources and
setting system volumes in any of the four output zones.
Normal Mode
On the left side of the control surface is the Routing section
with pushbuttons for each of the four Source Inputs on the
left side and each of the four Zone Outputs across the
bottom. The Matrix of green LEDs displays the current
Input to Output signal connections. Only one In may be
assigned to any Zone at a time. Assignments can be made
in one of two ways, by first selecting an Input or first
selecting a Zone.
On the right side of the control surface are the Level Meters
and Volume Controls for adjusting the level in the four
Zones. The Level Meters monitor the current amplitude of
the audio, relative to the Zone Maximum Level that was
preset in the Setup procedure. The Volume Controls, in
Normal Mode, are signal attenuators with a range of 0dB to
80dB of attenuation. Turned all the way up, the output
level of the MPM4 is determined by the setting of the Zone
Max Level control. (See Setup Mode.) When the Volume
Controls are moved, the LED meter display dims and a
single LED showing the relative position of the Control
illuminates brightly. Under each Volume Control is a Clip
LED that displays signal clipping at the Zone Output or of
any input assigned to that Zone Output.
In the center of the control surface are the Priority Input
LEDs and the Setup Mode LEDs. The Setup Mode LEDs
are off in Normal Mode.
Priority Active Mode
Priority Inputs replace, or mix with, the Source Inputs in
any Zone to which they are assigned. When a Priority
Input signal is received, the corresponding Priority Input
LED illuminates. The Routing Matrix LEDs in the Zones
that have this Priority Input assigned to them flash while
the Priority Input is active. Any Source Input routed to this
Zone is affected by the setting of the corresponding rear
panel Ducking Level switch. There are four Priority Inputs
that operate with cascading hierarchy within each Zone.
Priority Input 4 is overridden by Priority 3, both 3 and 4 are
overridden by Priority 2, and Priority 1 overrides all others
that are assigned to the same Zone. Typical Priority Inputs
could be prerecorded announcements, a particular music
source, such as a jukebox, or a paging microphone.
Paging microphones used with the MPM4 should have an
ON/OFF switch.
Input First
Depress any In button and it will light. This input can
now be assigned to any Zone by depressing the
desired Zone buttons. Pushing the Zone button a
second time will disconnect the In from that Zone.
Depress other In buttons for further connections.
Depress the lit button a second time to exit this mode.
Zone First
Depress any Zone button and it will light. Any In can
now be assigned to this Zone by depressing the
desired In button. Pushing the In button a second
time will disconnect it from that Zone. Depress other
Zone buttons for further connections. Depress the lit
button a second time to exit this mode.
Priority Inputs
In 1
In 2
In 3
In 4
Normal Mode
Input Trim
In & Zone EQ
Zone Max Level