MSEX0105i – Electronic No Frost Refrigerator Bottom Mount/ Dual Fan - Maestro High
These components are described as shown below.
5.1. Electronic Control
The complete operation of this product is done by the Electronic Control, which executes the functions
according to the needs, turning the components on or off through received/managed signals, such as:
- Compressor On/Off
- Fan Motors (Refrigerator & Freezer) On/Off & Speed
- Defrost Heater On/Off
- Lamp, through received signals by the reed-switch board, that checks the door opening/closing.
- Receives signals from the Freezer/ Refrigerator & Defrost temperature Sensors
- Among many other functions controlled by its software.
The Electronic Control is located at the rear of the refrigerator, next to the cabinet and besides the
compressor, inside a plastic box. Cables going inside the product, using connectors that do not permit an
assembling failure do its connection to the mains and its components.
Inside, the Electronic Control is divided in 2 parts, a main Board and a line filter.
Main Board
Line Filter
– Compressor and Power Cord
– Load Components and Reed-Switch Board
– Temperature Sensors
– Interface Board
More Details, check the Wiring Diagram
Electrostatic Discharge Risk
Do not touch the Circuit components, because you can damage, fuse/burnt or weaken the board.
Always handle the Boards by the sides/plastic holder.
Spare Parts/ stock boards must be kept in anti-static packaging.