P82030 K
Sheet 15 of 17
"MAN." control, then the timer begins to time out when the page is initiated. Therefore "VOX" will provide variable duration
paging, while "MAN." will provide fixed duration paging. The adjustment procedure is as follows:
If the Hang Up Tone Frequency Detector is being used to disconnect the TPI-100, then leave the Page Duration Timer set
for 51 seconds.
If the Hang Up Tone Frequency Detector is not used, then proceed as follows:
Using lines not connected to the TPI-100, dial station to station and have someone answer the call.
Hang up phone, while the called party remains off hook (keep listening).
After the caller hangs up, called party times how long it takes for the telephone system to generate its Hang Up,
"Dial" or "Reorder" tone.
Set the Page Duration Timer for just under the amount of time it takes the telephone system to generate its tone. If
the telephone system does not generate a tone (remains silent), then set the timer to the desired page duration.
Tone Alert Volume
potentiometer is shown in Figure 15.
If the Hang Up Tone Frequency Detector is not used, then proceed as follows:
Figure 15.
Tone Alert Volume Control
When shipped from the factory, volume is set to maximum. To adjust the volume, initiate a page. Listen for the tone alert in the
telephone handset and at the paging speakers. If the volume is too high or too low, adjust potentiometer accordingly. The Page
Alert/Confirmation Tone can be turned off by placing the potentiometer in the "MIN." position.