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Aura8ip / Jan 2012
A u r a 8 i p P r o G U I
The first time the Device dialog is opened, no devices will be shown. Before the
Pro GUI can connect to
Aura8ip the unit must first be made known to the Pro GUI
by using the Add Device dialog.
When the Add Device dialog is opened there is an opportunity to provide a custom
name for the Aura8ip, and this name will be shown in the Device window at the top
of the Pro GUI. Once the IP Address of the Aura8ip has been entered the Select but-
ton should be pressed if that is the processor you wish to connect to, or if you are just
adding a device for later, click the OK button to close the dialog.
Quick Save (QSave)
The Aura8ip has a unique feature called QSave which allows the instant comparison
of two different sets of processing tuning settings. It can also be used to compare the
sound of a Factory preset to the modifications being made by a user without having to
first save the user preset.
The QSave A and QSave B buttons are assigned to two temporary buffers inside the
Aura8ip that hold all current processing settings as long as power is applied to the unit.
While QSave A is highlighted green any adjustments that you make to the controls are
being saved to that temporary buffer. QSave B is another temporary buffer that operates
just like QSave A. When a QSave button is active its green indicator is illuminated.
Though there are several ways to use the QSAVE feature, one popular way is to
compare the sound of a factory preset to changes made to that preset by a user without
having to first save it as a user preset. To do this, follow these steps:
1. Recall the factory or user preset that you wish to adjust.
2. Ensure that QSave A is highlighted. If it is not, press its button to highlight it.
3. Press the B=A button. This will copy the contents of QSave buffer A to QSave
buffer B. Now the contents of both buffers are identical.
4. Change some settings on the Aura8ip. These settings will automatically be stored
in the QSave A buffer.
5. Compare your changed settings to the recalled factory preset by pressing the
QSave B button.
6. Compare those settings back to the factory preset by pressing QSave A.
7. When you are happy with your changes you can commit them to a user preset
by using the Save preset dialog that was covered previously.
The QSave A and QSave B buttons may also be used to compare the sound of two
different sets of user settings. To do this:
1. Load the preset that you want to change, then make changes to it and press
QSave A to save those settings to buffer QSave A.
2. Make additional changes as desired and then press QSave B to save those ad-
ditional changes to buffer QSave B.
3. Now you can compare the two sets of settings by toggling back and forth between
the QSave A and QSave B buttons.
4. When you are pleased with one set of settings and need more buffers for further
tweaking, you can use the A=B/B=A button to make the two buffers the same
and have one of them to use to start comparing from again.