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Parallel testing
Connect 4 DUTs to the WECG400, then choose the test items through PC to send signals to the 4 DUTs
Sequential testing
1. Connect the first DUT, then choose the test items and the DUT through PC to send signals to it.
2. Connect the second and third DUTs, then choose the DUTs through PC while the first DUT is under testing.
3. After completing testing on the first DUT, the WECG400 tests other DUTs one at a time by users' designated
4. Disconnect the tested DUTs, then connect new DUTs to the WECG400 and repeat the above steps.
Before starting the testing:
The WECG400 supports both parallel and sequential testing, and users can develop programs by using SDK to
set up suitable testing methods.
The WECG400 is not a standalone model. Please connect the WECG400 to a PC/laptop to conduct testing.