· WF
· WF
· WF
· WF
A single wall metal fl uepipe is suitable for connecting the stove to the chimney but is not suitable for using for
the complete chimney. The chimney and connecting fl uepipe must have a minimum diameter of 150 mm and its
dimension should be not less than the size of the outlet socket of the stove.
Any bend in the chimney or connecting fl uepipe should not exceed 45°. 90° bends should not be used.
If it is found that there is excessive draught in the chimney then either an adjustable fl ue damper or alternatively
a draught stabiliser should be fi tted. The adjustable fl ue damper should not close off the fl ue entirely but should
in its closed position leave a minimum continuous opening free area of at least 20 % of the total cross sectional
area of the fl ue or fl uepipe.
Adequate provision e.g. easily accessible soot door or doors must be provided for sweeping the chimney and
connecting fl ue pipe
Distance to Combustible materials
Combustible materials should not be located where the heat dissipating through the walls of fi replaces or fl ues
could ignite it. Therefore when installing the stove in the presence of combustible materials due account must be
taken of the guidance on the separation of combustible material given in Building Regulations Approved Docu-
ment J and also in these stove instructions.
The hearth should be able to accommodate the weight of the stove and its chimney if the chimney is not inde-
pendently supported.
The Westfi re UNIQ 15, 16, 20 wood stove has been tested and is suitable to be installed on a 12mm non combus-
tible plate such as Westfi re 12mm glass plates or 20mm slate plates. Installation of all hearths should comply in
size and construction so that it is in accordance with the provisions of the current Building Regulations Approved
Document J.
The clearance distances to combustible material beneath, surrounding or upon the hearth and walls adjacent to
the hearth should comply with the guidance on the separation of combustible material given in Building Regula-
tions Approved Document J and also in these stove instructions.
If the stove is to be installed on a wooden fl oor, it must be covered with a non-combustible material at least
12mm thick, in accordance with Building Regulations Approved Document J, to a distance of 30 cm in front of the
stove and 15 cm to each side measuring from the door of the combustion chamber.
Combustion air supply
In order for the stove to perform effi ciently and safely there should be an adequate air supply into the room in
which the stove is installed to provide combustion air. This is particularly necessary if the room is double-glazed
or a fl ue draught stabiliser is operating in the same room as the appliance. The provision of air supply to the
stove must be in accordance with current Building Regulations Approved Document J. An opening window is not
appropriate for this purpose. Air inlets must be positioned in such a way that they cannot be blocked. An air inlet
may be a vent (the vent must be open and the capacity of the vent suffi cient when the stove is lit) or a fresh air
system linked to the stove.
The UNIQ 15, 16 & 20 are available with a closed air supply collar (additional item) this enables the stove to take
combustion directly from outside with 100mm pipe from the stove.
UNIQ 15,16,20
Distance to combustible materials rear
150 mm
Distance to combustible materials side
350 mm
Distances to fl ammable materials/furnitures
750 mm
There are no European rules regarding the minimum distance to non-fl ammable walls, Westfi re recommend leav-
ing a gap of at least 10 cm behind and to sides of stove.
Soapstone base and top Plates for the UNIQ 16
When installing a UNIQ 16 or 20 with Soapstone top plates remove standard louvre grill top plate from stove.
Place soapstone panels directly on top of stove and fi t new rear grill to rear. If top fl ue exit is not used a cover
plate is supplied on the stove to cover fl ue area.
When installing a Uniq 16 or 20 with a base soapstone a 12mm fl oor plate or construction hearth is still be
installed in accordance with document J regulations.
UNIQ 15,16,& 20
Westfi re Insulated chambers
The Westfi re UNIQ 15, 16, 20 wood burning stove is lined with heat defl ection panels and baffl es, these panels
are designed to ensure the maximum effi ciency and are an integral part of the clean burn process of the stove.
These baffl es should not be removed apart from for cleaning the stove. Any defective panels should be replaced.
Connection to chimney
Westfi re UNIQ 15,16,20 wood stove has both rear and top fl ue gas connector that allows connection to either a
masonry chimney or a prefabricated factory made insulated metal chimney in accordance with the instructions for
“Connection to chimney” given in the instruction booklet.
Commissioning and handover
Ensure loose parts are fi tted in accordance with the instructions for “Fitting the loose parts” given in the instruc-
tion booklet.
UNIQ 16 & 20 soapstone plates
Height with 10cm plate
1160 mm
1400 mm
Height with 20cm plate
1260 mm
1500 mm
Height with 30cm plate
1360 mm
1600 mm
Base soapstone
60 mm
60 mm
Top fl ue exit 150 mm
Distance from rear to centre of fl ue
UNIQ 15:
155 mm
UNIQ 16 & 20:
180 mm
Rear fl ue exit 150 mm
Height to centre of rear fl ue
UNIQ 15, 16 & 20:
960 mm
Closed combustion air intake 100 mm
Height to centre of air intake
UNIQ 15, 16 & 20:
110 mm