Document: 4116en05.doc
Bruksanvisning Sportstimer LED
Author: CF
Date: 2012-08-27
Westerstrand Sport System
Page: 10 of 12
Functions in chronometer mode
The following buttons on the wired remote control can be used when the Sportstimer is in
chronometer mode:
No – Moves the cursor one step back during data entry or aborts the entry altogether and
returns to the previous mode.
Yes – Accepts an entry.
Blank – Turns the Sportstimer display off. The text “Display blanked” is shown on the
remote control display. Press No or Blank resume normal operation.
Set time – Opens a dialog for setting of the chronometer time. The desired time is
entered using the numerical keypad. Confirm the time by pressing Yes. This can only be
done when the chronometer is stopped.
Clock / Chrono – Switches to clock mode.
Format – Changes, if possible, the display format between HH:MM:SS och
where HH=hours, MM=minutes, SS=seconds och cc=centesimals. The highest time that
can be displayed in the format with centesimals is 99:59:99. When counting up the
Sportstimer will automatically change the format to fit the time on the display.
Reset – Resets the chronometer to zero or the latest set time. Press the button
repeatedly to switch between zero and the set value.
Auto – Activates a mode for automatic reset of the chronometer. When the chronometer
is stopped, the time is displayed for 5 seconds and is then reset to zero or the latest set
value. The Auto mode is indicated by an “A” in the remote control display.
Default – Resets the Sportstimer settings to the default value.