Western Digital Hard Disk Drive OEM Specification
if command completion has not previously been returned, then the device shall return command
The Download with offsets and save microcode subcommand(0Eh) transfers the updated microcode data in one or
more DOWNLOAD MICROCODE commands. On normal command completion, the COUNT field may contain
additional indicators.
If the final segment has been downloaded, the device validates the downloaded updated microcode. If the vali dation
is successful, the downloaded updated microcode is saved to non-volatile storage and becomes the deferred
microcode. The deferred microcode data is activated as a result of processing the next power on reset or processing
an Activate downloaded microcode subcommand.
The processing of commands other than the DOWNLOAD MICROCODE command shall not affect any:
1) updated microcode; and
2) saved microcode.
The Activate downloaded microcode subcommand(0Fh) shall activate deferred microcode data that had been
previously downloaded and saved by the Download with offsets and save microcode subcommand.