Flow control
The RS-232 flow control can be done in two different ways, software XON/XOFF or
hardware RTS/CTS. This is individually selectable for each connected unit.
The system itself has flow control internally on the RS422/485 bus. The internal flow
control is used to transfer the hardware control signals across the network and indicates
that the buffer is full.
A MA-43 system can have different baudrates for different connected equipment.
Because of this there can be flow control signalling introduced by the MA-43 units. This
means for example, that if an XON/XOFF protocol is used the XOFF signal can be sent
by either the addressed user equipment or one of the two MA-43s which are involved in
the talking, if a buffer is filled up.
The CTS signal is used to control the data stream from a user to a MA-43. CTS is high
when the MA-43 is ready to receive characters.
The RTS signal is used to control the data stream from a MA-43 to the user. When the
user equipment is ready to receive characters RTS has to be high.
LED Indicators
MA-43 has 7 LED indicators. The LEDs has the following function.
POWER: Fixed light indicates normal function. If it is flashing the unit is faulty
Indicates RS-232 receiving data. Light off when no data received.
Lights when this slave is addressed, flashing when master is in test mode.
Lights when connected unit has RTS in active state.
Lights when MA-43 is ready to receive data.
Indicates RS-232 transmitting data. Light off when no data transmitted.
Lights when data is received from the bus. This LED is only visible
when the box is open.
2-Wire system
When a slave has anything to send this will be sent as soon as the slave is addressed.
The MA-43 can not follow application protocols, so it is possible to get data collision on
the 2-wire bus if the user protocol is not disciplined. i.e the equipment cannot answer
polls or commands before the whole message is received from the talking partner.
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