8. Functional description
The GD-01 US is used for for wireless data transmissions over the public GSM network.
It can be used to link PLC:s, data loggers, security and surveillance systems or for data
The GSM services supported by the Westermo GD-01 US are Circuit Switched Data,
Fax, SMS and GPRS. A data communication link can be established to another GSM
modem, to an analogue modem or to a digital ISDN adapter.The protocol used when
connecting to an analogue modem is V.21,V.22,V.22bis,V.23,V32 or V.34.The protocol
used when connecting to an ISDN adapter is V.110. A connection can be established
either via AT-commands (ATD
) or via the RS-232 signal DTR.The DTR connection is
made to a preconfigured number.The unit can send and receive FAX according to Fax
Class 2 Group 3. SMS messages can be transmitted or received. An SMS send session can
be initiated by either an AT command or by a positive transition of the DTR signal.
Sending and receiving of packet data is possible with the GPRS service.
GD-01 US