flomo belt: I’m designed, as an accessory for the flomo
board; to help you to carry it comfortably from A to B, or a bit
further, i.e. should you have the need to convey a flomo board
up a flight of stairs. Always transport your flomo board with
the writing surface to the outside to avoid wiping your idea
depictions and to avoid contaminating your clothes.
Here are the most important facts and figures; plus,
some useful hints for usage - stating what you can
easily do with me and what you should avoid.
Facts and Figures
Polypropylene webbing, 50 mm wide, black with red
Velcro fastener
Length of the belt is approximately. 1,400 mm, adjustab-
le to your height
Velcro fastener measurement: 100 x 150 mm
Please take note to prevent damage:
Firmly unite the Velcro surface of the flomo belt with
the velour on the flomo board. When walking, it is best
to stabilize the flomo board with one hand to avoid any
pendulous swinging motion – so that it does not work itself
loose and break free.
Instructions for usage
Firmly affix the Velcro centrally to the back of the flo-
mo board velour. Take the flomo belt, or strap so to spe-
ak over your shoulder and adjust it to the desired carrying
height, or alternatively, initially wear it, then firmly
affix the Velcro centrally to the velour on the back of the
flomo board, and away you go...
Hello, I am your
flomo Xbelt: As a system extension, I help you to bind
the flomo board and an Xbrick together. By employing
my Velcro points, your flomo board can now be auto-
nomous, completely stable and freestanding. Alternatively,
an Xbrick can be used as a post or column against which the
flomo board can be positioned.
Here are the most important facts and figures; plus,
some useful hints for usage - stating what you can
easily do with me and what you should avoid.
Facts and figures
Polypropylene webbing, 50 mm wide, black with red
Velcro sections
Length of the strap: 3,500 mm, (adjustable)
4 Velcro sections: 50 x 100 mm
Instructions for usage
To set up your flomo board, place the Xbelt around the
lower third of the Xbrick and tighten. Position the two
Belt Velcro surfaces on the narrower side so that the
velour on the flomo board can make sound contact.
Affix the Xbrick onto the flomo board whilst leaving a little dis-
tance to the floor - in accord with the desired angle of inclina-
tion. The remaining length of the flomo Xbelt can be stowed in
one of the handle openings of the Xbrick.
Now the flomo board is freestanding and can easily be
moved about the room. Alternatively, the Xbelt can be
used to bind several Xbricks together so that they can
be used as a post or column. Many variations in the
combination of Xbrick and flomo board are possible here -
just experiment.
Hello, I am your
A. 1/3 2/3