Page 26
To set the MX-400 WebUI password to factory defaults, select “Reset Auth” from the system menu.
Accessing the WebUI for more information on this topic.
Enable and configure Sources to the multiplexer. You need not configure them all at this point.
You can easily add more later.
Sources may include Tuners, IPTV, RTSP cameras, Video Capture, or the Video Server
Details for each are provide in the Sources section of the main document.
When configuring a tuner source you will need information about the broadcast before
Cheat: Attach the antenna wire to the M1 monitor input and watch the monitor
results to find tunable frequencies. This will likely require a channel map change
in the monitor configuration. Remember to reconfigure M1 to monitor your
outputs before completing the setup of your system.
When configuring the Video Server, be sure that your TS files are compatible with the
devices receiving the output of the MX-400. For example, if using and ATSC modulated
output you must use MPEG2 encoded files. ATSC devices will not decode h.264 video.
If enabling the Video Server source, try one of the preloaded MPEG2 or h.264 files
before loading your own.
If enabling the Video Wrapper source, try one of the preloaded presentations and
playlists before testing your own.
All of the enabled multiplexer inputs can be viewed on the front panel. Use this to
verify you have correctly configured your inputs.
Enable and configure Outputs of the multiplexer.
Outputs may include IPTV or RF.
Create Outputs first, then select the “Program Mapping” icon to configure their
contents. Select only the defaults. You can return to this to refine the signaling.