- The recipes in this section can be made at the basic and basic rapid bread settings. The TIME DELAY can be used with
the recipes with the
- Active dry, bread machine or fast rising yeast may be used in the recipes. Active dry yeast should be used at the basic
setting; bread machine or fast rising yeast at the basic rapid setting. Use the recommended amount for the type of yeast
being used. Bread machine and fast rising yeast are interchangeable. ALWAYS make a well in center of dry ingredients
for the yeast. This is especially important when using the TIME DELAY to prevent the yeast from becoming wet before
the bread making process begins.
- Use LUKEWARM water, about 80º F, to activate the yeast for best results. DO NOT USE HOT WATER, above 100º F,
as this can kill the yeast.
- Milk can be used directly from the refrigerator as it will be gently warmed during the PREHEAT period before kneading
begins. If you wish to warm the milk, you can, but do not heat above 80º F.
- If cold butter or margarine is used, cut into four (4) pieces, placing in bottom of pan with liquid for faster blending.
- Start with MEDIUM bread color setting the first time you make a loaf. Make a comment at the bottom of each recipe if
you wish to use the LIGHT or DARK bread color setting the next time you prepare the recipe.
- An audible alert will sound during the KNEAD cycle to let you know when to add ingredients if recipe recommends
doing so. This will prevent these added ingredients from becoming over-mixed or crushed. Simply open door when alert
sounds and add the ingredients. Close door. Do not turn bread maker off when adding ingredients. If you are not adding
ingredients, simply ignore this alert.
- If bread maker labors during the kneading period, the dough is too dry. Add one (1) tablespoon warm water at a time
until the dough softens. Do not add too much extra water as this can cause the bread to collapse or be under-baked. The
bread dough should be soft and a bit sticky to the touch after kneading. See “SPECIAL NOTES ON FLOUR” section for
more details on page 5.
- An audible alert will sound at the end of the final (3
) rise period, at both bread settings, as a reminder to check the
height of the dough and determine if the rise should be extended to obtain a higher loaf of bread. See “EXTEND RISE
GUIDELINES”. This alert can also be used as a reminder to perform any decorative crust treatment before the bake cycle