Pegasus Wing Duo Plus Retro-Fit Kit
2.1 MIDI Resets / System Jams
MIDI is a very old concept and is a standard data communication protocol for every electronic keyboard instrument. However, from time to time,
due to the analogue connection of MIDI, MIDI System Data crashes occur.
2.2 What does this mean?
In short, what it means is that on occasion, the MIDI data that the Lower Manual sends to the Pegasus Wing isn’t converted correctly due to a
MIDI crash. This means that the Pegasus Wing knows that you are playing, but can’t quite work out the chord of the note being played because
the crashed MIDI connection isn’t allowing accurate data to reach the Pegasus Wing intact.
There is a simple way to combat this. Simply turn off your Pegasus Wing and restart it. Please also do the same for the Lower Manual for a
100% system reboot.
This problem isn’t exclusive to WERSI, it is true of any MIDI system, whether it is analouge or computerised.
Please Note:
This is not a hardware or software fault, it is just a fact of Analouge MIDI systems and the now aged MIDI protocol.
Switch On - The Lower Manual Isn’t Recongised.
The correct switch on procedure must always be followed. You’ll become familiar with this process very quickly. Occasionally you might think
that you’ve followed the process correctly, but sometimes perhaps one of the two buttons wasn’t depressed at the same time as pressing the C#
1 note on the Lower manual.
Simply retry the process or restart both the Pegasus Wing and the Lower Manual by powering both units down and then rebooting.
After Playing For Some Time, The Chords On The Pegasus Wing Main Display Show Different
Chords To What I’m Actually Playing.
The MIDI System has jammed. As explained at the top of this page. You can continue to play, but the sound will most likely sound transposed,
or the incorrect notes are being sounded (i.e you might play a C Major chord, only to hear an F# Major chord). You must restart the system in
this event. As previously advised, this is a common MIDI problem and is universal across all Electronic musical instruments.
There’s No Lower Split Point That I Can Set
At this time, the Pegasus Wing Duo Plus Organ does not allow you to split the Lower Manual. However, a future upgrade and expansion will
address this function as well as increase the amount of sounds available for both Upper and Lower manuals from 2 to 4 sounds for the Upper
Manual and from 2 to 3 sounds for the Lower Manual. The Pedal Board will remain at 1 sound only. This is expected early 2013.
The Lower Manual Has Power Down On It’s Own
If the Lower Manual hasn’t been played for 30 minutes, it has a Power Save function built into it, which automatically shuts it down. You’ll need
to simply turn it back on and set it to send on MIDI Channel 2 as if you were performing a normal start up.
3.0 You’re Ready To Play!
You can now refer to the English User Manual for the Pegasus Wing keyboard. The functionality (except for the split point function) is identical
for the Pegasus Wing Duo Organ. The Pegasus Wing Keyboard controls all aspects of the Pegasus Wing Duo and due to this, the manual for
the Pegasus Wing explains everything in depth.
When the Pegasus Wing Manual refers to the ‘Left Hand’, think of it as really referring to the ‘Lower Manual’. It couldn’t be easier.
Enjoy your new Pegasus Wing Duo Plus Organ - the best of both worlds, a portable organ and a separate portable arranger keyboard in one!