AM 079 (Part)
Rich in overtones, "brushed-string" sound.
[ ] Should any of these functions not operate properly fasten a second test lead
to -15 V of the power supply and clip it directly to the pins "Att. soft"; "Sustain
short", "Sustain medium" or "Sustain long" on HK 13 of the lower manual.
If the envelope modes now are working okay the problem will be found in the
wiring (see wire list). If not the trouble is located on the envelope control boards
HK13 or HK12 of the lower manual (though they were tested previously).
3.6 Testing of the Drawbars and Envelope Control of
the Upper Manual
Repeat the tests of the preceding chapters IV and V. However, apply the test
lead to one or the other Area m p terminal S4, jam a key on the upper manual
and test a total of 11 pitches.
After the completion of the tests for the upper manual, 10.
remove the test lead and push all drawbars home.
3.7 Testing of the Lower Manual Fixed Stops
( ) Jam a key of the lower manual in the depressed position.
Turn on a few fixed stops of the lower manual.
( ) Pull the volume control "L/Man" out mid-way.
( ) Push the connector from the harness G03 onto the pins of "Plug 1" and "Plug
2" (GP 2 of lower manual).
( ) Clip the test lead to pin S1 of the right preamp. The selected fixed stops will
now be audible from the right speaker.
( ) Check the presence of all fixed stops and compare the sound character with
the list below:
Fixed Stop Voices of the Lower Manual
1. Cello 16':
2. Principal 1 6':
Wide spectrum, full-bodied.
3. Bowdon 16':
Mellow, hollow, no high pitches.
4. Trumpet 16':
Powerful and bright.
5. Viola 8':
Bright, rich in harmonics.
6. Principal 8':
Broader spectrum than Viola 8', but still rich in harmonics.
7. Bassflute 8':
Mellow and somewhat "hollow".
8.Schalmei 8':
Bright, at the lower pitches slightly "reedy".
9. Trumpet 8':
Loud and brassy, very rich in harmonics.
10. Violin 4':
Same as Viola 8'but pitched one octave higher.
11. Principal 4':
Broader spectrum than Violin 4; but still rich in harmonics.
12. Flute 4':
Soft and mellow.
13. Nasst 2-2/3':
Sounds one fifth higher than the 4' stops (G appears on a C key). This is a fill-in
voice (not a solo stop) and sounds softer than the 4' stops.
14. Principal 2':
Same as Principal 4' but pitched one octave higher, repeats at the highest C.