Failure to comply with the safety precautions can result in serious injury.
Assembly requires two people.
1. Lift the Timpani Cart deck upright onto the
long edge.
Steps 1 - 14 apply to both Timpani Cart
Decks A and B (#1 and #2).
It doesn’t matter which deck you start with.
2. On the top side of the deck, insert four socket
screws (#19) into the holes provided for the
wheel brackets.
3. Align the wheel bracket (#3) onto the socket
screws on the bottom side of the deck.
4. Secure the wheel bracket to the deck using
lock nuts (#21).
(Detail A)
5. Complete steps 1-4 for the opposite wheel bracket.
6. Gently lay the deck down flat on the top side so the bottom of the deck is facing up.
7. With the valve stem to the outside, place the wheel (#4) in the wheel bracket aligning the center
(Detail B)
8. Keeping the wheel snug against the outside edge of the wheel bracket, insert the capscrew (#17)
through the wheel bracket and center of the wheel. Do not push the capscrew completely through
the bracket.
9. Insert the sleeve bearing (#8) between the wheel
and the inside edge of the wheel bracket
aligning it with the center hole of wheel
and bolt hole on wheel bracket.
10. Continue to push the capscrew through
the sleeve bearing and other side
of the wheel bracket.
11. Secure the wheel in the wheel
bracket using lock nut (#18).
12. Repeat steps 7-11 for opposite wheel.
Detail A
Detail B