1. DO NOT TOUCH the end of the heat gun during or directly after operation. Let the gun cool down fully
before touching the tip or any nozzles.
2. NEVER use this tool as a hair dryer.
3. DO NOT USE A HEAT GUN near combustible or flammable materials.
4. TURN HEAT GUN OFF and give it a moment to cool down before setting it down on any surface.
5. ALWAYS maintain a minimum distance of one centimeter (1/2 inch) between the nozzle and work surface.
Do not press the gun against any surfaces.
6. UNPLUG the heat gun when not in use.
7. NEVER direct the air flow of the heat gun towards yourself, anyone else, or any animals.
8. DO NOT LOOK into the hot air nozzle during or directly after operation.
9. NEVER BLOCK the inlet grill (slits on the side of the gun) or obstruct the air flow of the unit while the gun
is on.
10. DO NOT STORE the tool away in the carrying case until it has fully cooled down.
11. DO NOT HOLD a work piece in front of the heat gun without forceps or clamps, as this will risk putting
your hand in the pathway of the heat flow.
12. DO NOT INSERT anything in the end of the heat gun or down one of the nozzles.
13. LET THE GUN COOL DOWN before changing accessories.
14. ONLY USE THIS HEAT GUN for its intended purposes.
15. DO NOT DROP or use this tool to hit other objects. Do not insert sharp objects into the air inlet grill or
pierce/jab internal parts.
Do not operate the heat gun until you have read and understood the following instruc-
tions and the warning labels.