SMP181-HLS User Guide
Safety Precautions
There is always a danger present when using electronic equipment.
Unexpected high voltages can be present at unusual locations in defective equipment and
signal distribution systems. Become familiar with the equipment that you are working with
and observe the following safety precautions.
Every precaution has been taken in the design of the products to ensure that it is as safe as
possible. However, safe operation depends on you the operator.
Always be sure your equipment is in good working order. Ensure that all points of connection
are secure to the chassis and that protective covers are in place and secured.
Never work alone when working in hazardous conditions. Always have another person close
by in case of an accident.
Always refer to the manual for safe operation. If you have a question about the application or
operation contact your provider for assistance.
Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) Caution:
Always wear an ESD-preventive wrist or ankle strap when handling electronic components.
Handle cards by the faceplates and edges only. Avoid touching the printed circuit board and
connector pins.
Avoid touching any electronic components while holding any module in hands.
Danger of explosion if battery is incorrectly replaced.
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