6. Cleaning
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– WTS-300-E - V4.1 - 20.01.2022
6.3.4 Cleaning with alkaline or acidic detergents
In parameter [r45] it is parameterized whether the cleaning cycle is generally carried
out with one or two main rinses.
Cleaning cycle with one main rinse cycle
(factory setting)
If a cleaning cycle with acidic detergent shall take place only after x cleaning
cycles with alkaline detergent, main rinse 2 must be deactivated [r45 = 0]. In
parameter [r21] is set after how many alkaline cleaning cycles a cycle with
acidic detergent shall take place.
Cleaning cycle with main rinse 1 + 2
- If main rinse 1 + 2 is activated [r45 = 1], both alkaline and acidic detergent is
used in each cleaning cycle.
See also section 6.2
6.3.5 Disinfection
In rinsing cycle 7, a 'disinfection' can optionally be parameterised.
Activate rinsing cycle 7 in parameter [r47],
Enter the desired dosing time in parameter [n103],
Assign output function '17' to a free relay [A1..A12].
The display shows "dESI" during the dosing process.
6.3.6 Time of detergent dosing
In parameter [r20] you can select whether the detergent is to be dosed in programme
step D1 or D2 or in the feed container.
0: Programme step nX0 => dosing in feed container (displacement cleaning)
1: Programme step D1 => add detergent AND water at the same time
2: Programme step D2 => add detergent ONLY
The detergent is always added time-controlled [n101.. n103] in the factory setting.
During dosing, the following appears in the display
- ALC - alkaline detergent is dosed
- ACI - acid detergent is dosed
Dosing into the pre-hopper
When dosing into the pre-hopper, the detergent is added with the second water in-
take only. See also section 6.2 - Cleaning flow chart.
Detergent is added by beaker
When adding detergent by a beaker, see section 11.1
– Possibility 2.
* only required for cleaning methods with pre-hopper 'green'.