Date: 03/10
like Sonic Studio’s “Amarra” is highly recommended.
With Amarra it is possible to switch the sampling rate in
AudioMidi (i.e. in the INT202) automatically depending
on the sampling rate of the file played. Amarra works in
conjunction with iTunes.
On a Windows based system the use of ASIO or WASAPI
is highly recommended. These systems make it simple to
achieve bit transparent playback. In addition the
sampling rate of the INT202 is switched automatically
depending on the sampling rate of the file played.
Remote Control
If you also have bought the Remote Control for the
INT202 then you can control the volume and the phase
of the digital signal transferred by the INT202. The
volume up / down switches control the volume
accordingly. The maximum gain is 0 dB (a gain factor of
1.0), i.e. the INT202 can not amplify the signal and thus
makes sure that there are no “overs” occuring within the
INT202. The “mute” switch allows to toggle between fully
off (muted) and the volume set with the volume control.
Absolute Phase control:
Pressing the mute switch for a few seconds toggles the
operation mode to phase control. In that mode the ^ key
switches the phase to 0° and the v key switches to 180°
(i.e. inverted phase). Press the mute key for a few
seconds again to get back to the volume control mode.
The phase set before is retained when switching back to
volume control mode. When changing the phase with the
^ and v keys you notice a short muting of the audio. This
prevents from any clicks caused by the phase switching
and also is an indication that the switching has actually
taken place.
The volume setting is retained when switching the
INT202 off / on, while the phase is reset to “not inverted”
after a power cycle.
Software installation
Perform the following installation procedure before
connecting the INT202 to the computer. The necessary
files are supplied on the enclosed drivers CD.
Do not connect the device.
Double click "WeissFirewireInstaller.exe"
Click "Next"
Select the directory where you'd like to install the
tools. Usually you can use the default values and click
Select if you'd like to create a desktop icon. "Next"
Click "Install"
You will be asked if you'd like to continue the
installation because the driver/software didn't pass the
Windows-Logo-Test. Select "Continue".
Select "Yes, restart the computer now" and click