VII. Service: (Con’t)
FIG. 6
8.) Wear Sleeve 14 and Nozzle 16 :
The fit between the wear sleeve, nozzle and main seal
assembly 5 is critical. If the surface of the wear sleeve or
nozzle has deteriorated, they must be replaced.
9.) All Seals 5 20 22 25 26 27 28 29 31 :
All elastomer seals should be replaced regardless of
- See
Section before
- The reassembly of the valve is in approximate reverse
order to the disassembly process.
- Lightly lubricate all surfaces prior to assembly. Use
“Lubriplate 105" or similar type of grease.
1. Install a complete new main seal assembly 5 into the
cartridge and fit over seal 29 into body 2 . Slip nozzle
into cartridge over main seal assembly.
2. Install wear sleeve 14 over seal 22 with backup
ring 24 onto cylinder rod 4 . Attach rod cap with
1/4" socket screws 30 . Safety wire socket screws.
3. Install sleeve 11 over seal 28 onto rod 4 . Install
piston 8 over seal 28 onto rod 4 . Attach jam
nuts 23 to rod 4 with blue thread lock. Install seal 25
onto piston 8 .
4. Install seals 26 31 27 & 20 into flange 1 .
5. Install rod and piston assembly into flange 1 . Install
entire package into body 2 . Be certain that wear
sleeve 14 passes fully through main seal assembly 5 .
6. Install cylinder 3 onto flange 1 and tighten the ten
5/8" socket screws 32 to 60 ft.lb (lubricated).
7. Tighten the eight 5/8" socket screws 32 that hold the
flange 1 to the body 2 . Tighten evenly to 110 ft-lb
(lubricated). Use special torque tool (See Fig. 6).
8. Using shop air and ports on the cylinder, stroke piston
in and out to assure that it moves freely.
9. Reattach hoses.
10. The valve is now ready for pressure testing as discussed
in Section VIII, Pressure Testing.