Document Number:
Revision: 0
Copyright © 2015, Weir Minerals Australia Ltd. All rights reserved.
Page 6-35
Issue Date: 23 February 2015
Suitable Mediums
The Hydrau-Flo
Fuel Filling Systems can only be used with filling medium that have a viscosity rating of 1
(primarily diesel fuel, water and coolant).
Hydrau-Flo® fuel filling systems can only be used with the approved filling mediums. Failure to
adhere to the rated filling medium will result in the reduced integrity of the system and pre-
mature failure.
Fuel Consumption
Dust particles that are present in air can contaminate the fuel during operation, therefore creating a potential
obstruction to the fuel filling valve. This may lead to the piston binding open resulting in over-filling, leading to fuel
release into the environment and potential ignition. For correct operation of the Hydrau-Flo
Valve components, clean
filling mediums with minimal contamination are also recommended to eliminate potential sources of contamination in
the system.
Fuel Reticulation
The operator must have an understanding of the potential for reticulation over filling scenario considered for
appropriate operations. The installer and operator must ensure correct positioning of the Hydrau-Flo
Valve and Float
for the correct alluge gap in the tank. When adjusting the position of the Hydrau-Flo
Float Valve for the correct alluge
gap, the installer must take into account the shape and size of the tank, as well as the position of the Hydrau-Flo
Valve in respect to the shape of the tank. Miscalculated alluge could result in the return fuel exceeding tank capacity
during refilling and can lead to spillage and potential ignition.
Before any filling operations, the installer and operator must ensure there is a correct alluge
gap in the fuel tank.
Float Control
If a lever float is specified or installed on a mobile application, this can result to premature wear and failure of the lever
components. This will result in the failure of the system to detect when the tank is full and will ultimately lead to
overfilling of fuel into the environment.
Lever floats are only designed for static applications.