Document Number:
Revision: 0
Copyright © 2015, Weir Minerals Australia Ltd. All rights reserved.
Page 3-10
Issue Date: 23 February 2015
Figure 3-2: Operation of Hydrau-Flo
Fuel Filling System (Vertical Float Not Shown)
When the fuel level in the tank rises and closes the float valve, thus stopping the bleed and pressure leak, the fuel
pressure is equalised on both sides of the piston. Spring pressure will force the piston back to close the fuel ports,
preventing any extra fuel from entering the fuel tank.
The fuel nozzle cannot be overridden as no matter what the pressure of the fuel trying to open
the piston is, it will always be higher under the piston due to the addition of spring pressure.
By preventing over filling above the pre-set float level in the tank, an air space is maintained to allow for fuel expansion
(due to temperature rise) and thus prevent the possibility of fuel weeping through the air vents.