© 2021 W einzierl Engineering GmbH
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The certificate is printed as text on the device. It can also be easily scanned from the printed QR code
using a webcam. The list of all device certificates can be managed in the ETS window Overview -
Projects - Security.
The initial key is needed to get a device up and running safely from the beginning. Even if the ETS
download is recorded by a third party, this third party will not have access to the secured devices
afterwards. During the first secure download, the initial key will be replaced by the ETS through a new
key, which is created for each device individually. This prevents persons or devices that might know
the initial key from accessing the device. The initial key is only reactivated after a master reset. The
serial number in the certificate enables the ETS to assign the correct key to a device during a
By selecting the KNX RF/TP Coupler 673 secure in the tree structure of the Topology View of the ETS
project, the overview "Properties" appears on the right side of the ETS window. In the Properties
menu item "Settings" the device name of the KNX RF/TP Coupler 673 secure can be changed. Here
also the retransmitter mode (repeater mode) of the device can be enabled or disabled. In this mode
the received telegrams are sent again to increase the RF range.