Series 1
Commercial Condensing Gas-Fired Water Boiler
- User’s Information Manual
Part number 550-100-251/0819
Maintenance procedures
procedures plus the following additional
procedures . . .
Check the boiler water and gas piping
1. Perform gas leak inspection per steps 1 through 7 of the Operating
Instructions, Figure 1, page 4.
2. If gas odor or leak is detected, immediately shut down boiler fol-
lowing procedures in the Operating Instructions, Figure 1, page 4.
Call a qualified service technician.
3. Visually inspect for leaks around internal water piping. Also in-
spect external water piping, circulators, relief valve and fittings.
Immediately call a qualified service technician to repair any leaks.
Have leaks fixed at once by a qualified service techni-
cian. Failure to comply could result in severe personal
injury, death or substantial property damage.
Operate the relief valve
1. Before proceeding, verify that the relief valve outlet has been piped
to a safe place of discharge, avoiding any possibility of scalding
from hot water.
To avoid water damage or scalding due to valve opera-
tion, a metal discharge line must be connected to relief
valve outlet and run to a safe place of disposal. This
discharge line must be installed by a qualified heating
installer or service technician in accordance with the
instructions in the
Boiler Manual. The discharge
line must be terminated so as to eliminate possibility
of severe burns or property damage should the valve
2. Read the boiler pressure/temperature gauge to make sure the sys-
tem is pressurized. Lift the relief valve top lever slightly, allowing
water to relieve through the valve and discharge piping.
3. If water flows freely, release the lever and allow the valve to seat.
Watch the end of the relief valve discharge pipe to ensure that
the valve does not weep after the line has had time to drain. If the
valve weeps, lift the seat again to attempt to clean the valve seat.
If the valve continues to weep afterwards, contact your qualified
service technician to inspect the valve and system.
4. If water does not flow from the valve when you lift the lever
completely, the valve or discharge line may be blocked. Immedi-
ately shut down the boiler, following the operating instructions
on page 9. Call your qualified service technician to inspect the
boiler and system.
Maintenance procedures
To continue operation for DHW
1. If the boiler is to supply heat for domestic hot water generation
during the summer, no changes should be needed. Just leave the
boiler power on and allow the DHW storage tank to call for heat
as necessary.
2. Set back room thermostats to prevent any unnecessary call for
heat during the off season.
To leave boiler in stand-by mode
1. The
boiler’s control provides effective features for stand-by
operation, including periodic exercising of the boiler and system
circulators and automatic operation of the boiler at low fire if water
temperatures drop too close to freezing. Just configure the control
as needed to operate the necessary circulators.
2. Leave the boiler power on and allow the control to monitor the
boiler and system during the stand-by period.
The control must be configured to operate all circula-
tors needed to ensure the system and all circuits will be
protected against freezing. See the
Boiler manual for details.
3. Set back room thermostats to prevent any unnecessary call for
heat during the off season.
To shut down the boiler
1. Follow “TO TURN OFF GAS TO APPLIANCE” of the Operat-
ing Instructions, Figure 1, page 4.
2. DO NOT drain the system unless exposure to freezing tempera-
tures will occur.
3. DO NOT drain the system if it is filled with an antifreeze solution.
4. DO NOT shut down boilers used for domestic water heating.
They must operate year-round.