WI-MOD-E-100 & WI-MOD-E-300 Wireless Ethernet
User Manual
WI-MOD-E Manual v1.10
On the General tab enter IP address, Subnet mask,
and default gateway
Open Internet Explorer and ensure that settings will allow you to connect to the IP address
selected. If the PC uses a proxy server, ensure that Internet Explorer will bypass the Proxy
Server for local addresses. This option may be modified by opening Tools -> Internet Options -
> Connections Tab -> LAN Settings->Proxy Server -> bypass proxy for local addresses.
Enter the default IP address for the WI-MOD-E
where XX is the last two
digits of the serial number
A welcome webpage should be displayed as illustrated below.
Configuration and Diagnostics may be opened by clicking on any of the menu items, and
entering the username “
” and default password “
”. Configure the unit to your
requirements (refer later sections of this manual).
When Configuration is complete, switch Factory Default dip-switch on WI-MOD-E to RUN
position, and cycle power to resume normal configured operation.